Chapter 12: Resurrection of the Ghost Lady

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Cold and dark...

That's death...

Isn't it?

I was in a void. I saw nothing, felt nothing, heard nothing. My only company had been the unending emptiness that consumed me like kindling to a fire.

Funny thing about fire. That's actually the last thing I can remember...

I hear a voice. It sounds... female.

"... should be operational. ...time has come..."

Time has come? What is going on here? What is she talking about.

I felt a jolt, and suddenly a blinding flash of light!

I gasped as if I was a fish out of water. New sensations and feelings came to me as if I'd been born anew. I was in what I thought was a hospital room. It looked... off, though. My vision centered on an Asian woman standing in the corner of the room. She smiled the smile of a politician, but I saw genuine curiosity in her eyes.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, 'Ghost Lady'."

The woman's voice sounded as if it was more used to issuing commands and yelling at people than polite greetings. I looked up at her, puzzled.

"I should probably address you by your real name. Welcome back, Marcia Grey."

Her words must have flipped a switch of some kind, because with them, a flood of memories came roaring back to me with such a force that I was physically knocked flat on the bed I had been lying on.

My lost tooth from when I was 6... The "Beauty and the Beast" play I had been in when I was 9... The  quinceanera my friends threw for me... High school graduation... Even my application for the job at the library. I was...

"Mar...cia... Grey...?"

The woman nodded affirmatively.

"But...there was a fire..." My breath hitched in my throat as I now remembered the blaze in full. "Dios Mios, HOW AM I STILL ALIVE?!"

"Well technically, you did die," came this woman's clipped response.

My mouth opened and would not shut. I... died.

As I had said nothing, she decided to continue. "Resurrecting what was left of you was no easy task, mind you. You were pieced back together using millions worth of machinery." The woman looked almost uneasy as she made her next point. "At this point, I would say that you are more machine than man."

"WHAT?!" That's when I really heard my own voice. Well, not really. More like a cruel, robotic mockery of it. Out of a sickening feeling as well as a pinch of morbid curiosity, I took a good look at my body. My arm was a twisted, meshed together mess of liquid metal, electricity, and charred flesh. That pattern continued down my entire body, albeit with less charred flesh to work with.

"What... What in the world am I..."

"You're far more than you were four years ago, that's for sure," the woman answered calmly. "And this world is far more than you knew it to be."


Above: Ana's Theme - Theme of Falke, Street Fighter V

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