Chapter 76: Strong Commands And Painful Goodbyes

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It felt weird to Cybil that the night after what was almost a family reunion, that everyone would put to work (or back to work, in her case.

Raelynn had just gotten finished giving the coordinates to their base, though this was much to the protest of Ryu.

"Why are we even giving you this information?"

The boy's creator sighed heavily. "Because you have to. You may not see me as your father, Ryu. Nevertheless, I am your creator." James seemed to soften considerably as Ryu gripped the arms of his chair and gritted his teeth in frustration.

"I really didn't want to pull that card, if it makes you feel any better..."


"It's just that we don't have time for this. The only way that you guys are ever going to live a normal life is if Wester is out of it."

"Who's that?" Rae asked.

"Bring your brother in, Cybil."

"Do you want me to bring Ty in?"

The man shook his head. "No. I'm going to try to respect Elena's wishes. Leave him alone."


After bringing Max into the equation (with Corrin and Moonie following along because they seemed to have nothing better to do at the moment), James spoke briefly about Wester and his (and his children's) past relationship with him. He also filled them in on the events of this morning.

Max seemed shocked to hear this. "So that's why I can do all this...?"

James nodded the affirmative. "We can all sort out our feelings later."

The Hispanic boy's shock turned to suspicion. "Why are you so intent on rushing us off to fight a battle we're completely unprepared for?"

"I already thought of that. We'll work on parsing out your abilities after we find Rachel."

Max crossed his arms. "I can see why Ty's mother wasn't on board with this crazy idea..."

"I also would like to end this as soon as possible so that you can all get back to your lives. Now, go. Start packing."

"Why am I going?" Max asked.

"Just in case we need backup when it comes to Rachel."

Before everyone could walk out, James added, "I love you guys."

Moonie and Corrin looked at him funny.

"Er... Um, I mean, I don't love you... At least, I don't know you like that... I..."

Corrin stepped in to end the scene. "With all due respect, Mr. McDougal, please stop digging your own grave..."

"You know," Cybil started, talking to Ryu as he and Raelynn worked their way upstairs. "He really does care."

The wheelchair-bound boy rolled his eyes. "Sure he does. You just say that because you've spent your entire life with him..."

Cybil was adamant. "No, seriously! He's just under a lot of stress because we're being hunted..."

"That's wonderful, by the way. I've always wanted to be hunted down like an animal. See you later, Cybil."

This confrontation posed an interesting question in the girl's mind. Was she simply too used to this madness?


With Marcia...

The cyborg woman was struck to see how uncomfortable her companion suddenly looked around her It seemed as if she was in some kind of pain, actually. One phone call took her from casually chatting with her to acting as if her very presence stirred up some kind of guilt in her...

Until, that is, Ana walked up to her, clearly downcast.

"Are you all right?"

"Sure," the cyborg answered confused. "What's wrong with you, though?"

"Lots of things." She sounded genuinely heartbroken. " You're going to be...out for just a little bit. Don't worry. Soon this will all be over. Just finish playing your role... Take care, my friend..."

Tears began to streak down the older woman's face, but before she could respond to that, she found her own vision blur as Ana mouthed a string of text.

And with that, Marcia Grey was once again swallowed up in darkness.

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