Chapter 14

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Forever and Always- parachute

Enchanted -Taylor Swift

Story of my Life - One Direction

They don't Know About Us- one direction



What just happened?! I was totally expecting Harry to judge Luke just like everyone else had. But no. He said the exact opposite.

"Luke is a great guy" I recall his words in confusion? Why would he say that? He seemed like the thing he was going to tell me was very urgent. But how is saying Luke is a great guy, important?

I decided to leave it at that. Harry was a weird guy and I don't think he has his head fully screwed on right.

Anyways, I had to get home so I could get ready for my "date" with Luke.

I drove home and ran up to my room, eager to get ready.

I plugged in my curling iron and started to rummage through my closet, in hopes of finding the perfect outfit.

I chose a dress with a pink top and a black bottom. I paired it with some black heels and some other little accessories.

After I finished curling my hair I put on a bit of makeup, just enough to enhance my features.

When I was completely finished with my whole look, I checked my phone, hoping to have received a text from Luke.

Luckily, I had. He had said that he would be here in five minutes so I just went downstairs and sat on the sofa...patiently...ok maybe not patiently waiting for Luke to arrive.

Within a few minutes, I heard the doorbell ring. With excitement clearly seen all over my face, I opened the door and there stood a VERY handsome Luke.

And when I say very, I mean incredibly handsome! He stood there with a dark indigo shirt with a pink and black striped tie, matched with black pants and shoes.

I was starting to get butterflies just looking at him.

"Hello Em." He said in his sexy low voice.

"Um h-hey!" I mentally face palmed myself because of how awkward I had been.

"Shall we go?" Luke said

"Yes, we shall." I replied with a shy smile.

"Our chariot awaits." He said smirking and motioning his hand outside.

I followed his hands to where he was pointing and my eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

He had, literally, gotten a chariot.

"Wow" was all I could say. But seriously! WOW!

He intertwined our fingers and led me toward our ride.

As we approached the chariot, he helped me up and into the carriage, afterwords getting in himself.

He told the driver some directions to, I'm guessing, the location of our dinner.

"This is amazing." I breathed looking up at him and snuggling into him.

"Well, amazing things come to amazing people." He cheekily remarked.

I giggled at the comment and its cheesiness.

This was going to be perfect!

We arrived at a restaurant that I had never heard of and Luke helped me out of the carriage.

He said his thanks to the "driver" and then we walked inside the restaurant.

"You look beautiful by the way" he whispered in my ear.

"Well, I try." I sarcastically replied.

"You turned out pretty good as well, Luke" I said, facing him.

"Thanks Em."

During dinner we talked about somethings, but nothing huge.

When we had finished our meals, we sat their, just chatting and laughing.

Then, the man playing the piano at the restaurant, went up to the microphone and said :

"Okay, for you lovers out there, this one is for you."

With that he started to play a beautiful slow song on the piano.

"Let's dance." Luke surprised me by saying.

"Um...I'm not sure. I'm not very good." I shyly replied.

"C'mon Em. It's not that hard. All you do is sway around. Lets go! It will be fun."

"Ugh fine!" I groaned.

We stood up and slowly walked to the dance floor.

Luke gently put his hands on my waist, while I swung my hands around his neck.

We started swaying back and forth to the rhythm of the song.

"You know how I used to have a crush on you?" He said

"Yes..." I replied, not knowing where Luke was going with this.

"Well I still do" He breathed out, his eyes closed and his lips mere inches away from coming into contact with my own.

Before I knew it, my eyes were closed, just waiting for the touch of his lips on mine.

"Well, I think I have a crush on you too." I barley made out before Luke's mouth attached to mine.

Immediately, I began kissing him back, enjoying every minute of it.

Our lips moved in perfect sync and our bodies moved along with the music that was still playing in the background.

I could feel the butterflies moving in my stomach which made me want more.

I let him deepen the kiss by titling my head to the side and allowing his tongue entrance to roam around in my mouth.

His hands clutched my waist, pulling me closer to him, if that was even possible.

Then, he brought up his hands and cupped my face. For the record, can I just say that, man, his hands are soft.

I was truly loving every minute kissing him. I think we both knew that we had been waiting for this moment.

After a few minutes, I pulled away, desperately in need of air.

If it wasn't for stupid lungs, I could have stayed like that for an eternity.



So what do you think?

Are there any Lemily shippers out there?

I'm home sick today so I will be working on a few more chapters.

I think I may start doing dedications in each chapter for the best comment! (If there are even any commenters out there ;) )

Well anyways, if this chappie gets 10 votes I will update within the next 24 hours!

Next update: Saturday, April 12

10 votes for early update! C'mon guys!


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