Chapter 31

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Songs for the chapter :

Sweater Weather ~ The Neighbourhood

You and Me ~ Life house

(This is a short chapter so two songs will do :P)

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I wake up at around noon and lazily sit up in my bed. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and look around my room. I am surprised to find several nicely wrapped packages and a few bouquets of flowers filling my room.

I get out of bed and walk over to where the present are placed and pick one up.

The package has little bears on it and has a purple bow on it. There is a little note card attached to it that reads, "Hope you get well soon! Love, Jessa"

Ooohh I get it. These are all get well soon presents! I open up Jessa's and I find a box of Lindt chocolates and a gift card to a neighbourhood spa. I am so grateful that I met Jessa. Even though we barely now I can already tell that she will definitely be one of my closest friends. Her positivity and kindness make me want to be a better person and try to be as amazing as her.

I glance again at the presents that are loaded in my room and I begin to think of who else could possible have sent me one. Ever since Nick and I broke up I haven't been hanging out with people as much. I'm not really friends with anyone else besides Olivia but we aren't even that close.

I walk over to a beautiful bouquet of red roses that is placed delicately on my desk and read the tag that belongs to it.

"Hope you get better! -Nick"

That was really sweet of him. Even though I still have some anger towards him I realize now that we weren't meant to be and that we could now be relaxed friends.

A couple of minutes later I have opened and read every present and card that was sent to me and have begun to get teary-eyed. I didn't realize how many people actually care about me. It makes me get a warm and fuzzy feeling inside me and a huge smile begins to grow across my face.

I head downstairs to eat something and I see a note from my mom taped to the fridge. Of course that would be where she put it.

It read, "got called into work. I will try to be home for dinner but don't count on it. Sorry :( . Remember to get lots of rest! Love you! Mom xx"

Sighing, I open the fridge and take out the milk and pour myself a glass. I take out the blender as I decide to make a smoothie for my brunch. After putting in lots of fruit and other ingredients I blend away.

When I finish my meal, I go back upstairs to get changed out of my pyjamas.

I check my social media on my laptop as I sit on my bed. Opening twitter, I see that I have received a message from "hazz".

"Going to New Zealand with you would be amazing! I would finally get to meet this amazing girl!! I love Phil Collins too! And ya I think I will post some videos on YouTube...when I'm not busy that is! ;)"

Aaaww. A blush creeps on to my face as I read his message. He is adorable and I love how, even though we've never met, he has an effect on me.

I rifle off a responses basically saying that in the future we should plan this getaway and told him that if he ever posts a video I will support him and share the video with everyone!

I get all giddy all of a sudden and have a burst of energy. I need to do something. I decide to go for a short walk to the park.

I pull on a sweater, because now it has become quite cold being it is November here in South Carolina, and head out.

I shove headphones into my ears and turn on some light music from my phone. I start to lightly sing as I stick my cold hands into the warm pockets of my sweater.

After about 5 minutes I can see the park and I begin to increase my speed, wanting to get to the park. I, being the clutz I am, trip over a crack in the sidewalk and begin to fall.

But I never reached the ground because a pair of strong arms caught me and stopped me from falling.

My eyes meet a pair of familiar green ones and a light smile forms on my face.

"You had better watch where you are going." he said quietly into my ear. My heart started pumping and my cheeks started to redden.

"We wouldn't want you getting hurt now, would we?" He says and I nod, looking down at my feet.

"Where are you going Em?" Harry asks as we continue walking.

"I decided that I needed to get out of the house so I'm walking to the park." I say and take my headphones out so I can hear him better.

I wrap my headphones around my phone and place my phone into the pocket of my sweater.

"How about you?" I ask. "Where are you headed?"

"I was actually going to the park as well. I come here to think and let's just say my mind is full at the moment and I need to sort some things out." He replies smoothly.

"Well we could think together?" I suggest, looking at him. His lips form into a slight smirk and he turns his head to face my. Those green eyes sparkle and I get lost in them.

"It would be an honour." Harry replied.



So a filler but that's okay because every story needs a couple filler chapters!!

Yay!! I'm almost at 2K reads and that's amazing for me because idk I literally thought I was going to have to delete it when after like 5 chapters I had maybe 10 reads!

And tbh I don't live in South Carolina and I don't know what the weather is like there but I needed it to be kinda warm in the winter but I didn't want it to be like California.

Anyways so I have a joke! Yay!!!

How does NASA organize a birthday party??!?!??

They planet!!! Haha get it?!?

I'm sorry that was really bad! I'll stop now...


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