Nygma dies (Tabitha x reader)

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Summary: Reader finds out what Nygma did to Tabitha.

Tabitha had been missing for days.

She never came home, she wasn't answering your calls and you were the only person she cared enough about to always pick up the phone.

You tried calling Butch and only got radio silence from him too.

You even resorted to going to see Barbara at the Sirens club and she hadn't heard from either her or Butch for longer than you had. 

Three sleepless days later the door to your apartment is being slammed open with Tabitha angrily grasping her wrist.

"Tabitha!," you gasped out of shock.

You nearly jumped off the couch where you had been lazily watching tv and hurried to her.

"Where the hell have you been? Why didn't you call? What happened to your wrist?" you hastily questioned.

"That little rat Nygma," she said walking to the couch, "he thought Butch killed his girlfriend."

You sat down next to her as she continued, "He took us both, kept us locked up for a few days and cut off my damn hand as payback to Butch."

"Did Butch actually kill her? I thought he was staying low for a while," you asked.

"He didn't do it, he never even met her. When Nygma realized he was telling the truth he let us go, though it was a little too late," she said gesturing to her stitched up wrist, "Butch and Barbara took me to the hospital to get my hand sewed back on."

"Why didn't any of you call me from the hospital?" you said defensively.

"I didn't want you to worry," she said casually.

"Oh yeah because not knowing where you are for a week doesn't make me worry," you scolded.

"I'm sorry Y/N," she told you genuinely.

Tabitha never apologized unless she truly meant it.

"It's alright, you're alright, well... mostly alright and that's what matters," you said putting a hand on her shoulder.

Tabitha rested her good hand on your neck pulling you in to kiss her.

You leaned back breathlessly, "You know Nygma's gonna have to die for doing this to you right."

"If he had done this to you, he'd already be dead," she devilishly smirked.

"I have no doubt about that," you smiled bringing her back in for another kiss.  

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