It runs in the family (Tabitha x reader w/ Selina)

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Request: Tabitha x reader: reader is Selina's older sister trained to be an assassin but has more of a hero complex

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Request: Tabitha x reader: reader is Selina's older sister trained to be an assassin but has more of a hero complex. She meets Tabitha at a club or bar and then again in her hero outfit where she gets injured and Selina recognizes a her because of a scar and Tabitha helps protect her while she's down or something like that? PS Love your work

When you were a teenager your kid sister Selina insisted that she could take care of herself after your mom left.

You tried your best to provide for her but she was just as hard headed as you and never accepted any of your help.

So you left Gotham.

Ra's Al Ghul found you a few cities over in Bludhaven and gave you refuge from the crime-ridden streets.

He then trained you to be a lethal assassin who did his dirty work for him.

Years later you returned to Gotham with him and Barbara seeking some blade that he so greatly desired.

Barbara went back to her old life while secretly working for Ra's and you hung around the city busying yourself with heroic acts waiting for them to finish their mission.

Ra's may have trained you to be a bloodthirsty savage but deep down you were drawn to the glory of heroism.

You just used a bit of more violent tactics to get the job done then the typical hero.

You decided to treat yourself to a night out at the club after stopping three muggings and a liquor store robbery that evening.

There you met a woman named Tabitha.

Neither of you bothered to learn each others last names as you hooked up in the dingy bathroom of the club, music blaring on the other side of the door while she fucked you on top of the sink counter.

When it was over you were going to give her your number but she was gone before you had the chance.

Weeks later you hit up a warehouse alleged with running a drug ring.

You weren't quite expecting the amount of firearms in their possession which is how you ended up lying on the ground with a bullet in your shoulder.

You closed your eyes, sure this was your end but then you heard the sound of whips cracking and the men swearing profusely.

When you opened your eyes again two familiar faces were standing above you, Tabitha and Selina, who you hadn't seen in nearly five years.

"You okay?" Selina asked but then saw a scar on your jaw that she immediately recognized, "wait, Y/N?"

You removed the slim mask that covered your eyes, "hey sis... hey Tabitha."

"You guys know each other?" Selina asked looking between you and Tabitha.

"Sort of," Tabitha stated.

"Well we could have gotten to know each other better if you hadn't bailed on me after our night at the club," you quipped.

Selina quickly pieced together what you meant, "you mean you two... you know what, I don't want to know. What are you even doing back in Gotham?"

Before you could respond there were more gunshots sounding off, bullets flying at the three of you.

"We can play catch up later, you deal with them Selina and I'll get her out of here," Tabitha instructed, helping you to your feet.

Selina ran over, efficiently knocking out every guy in the warehouse as Tabitha held her arm around your waist, helping you walk to the exit.

"Who knew my sister was such a badass," you chuckled.

"Guess it runs in the family," Tabitha replied.

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