Dating Alex Winthrop would include

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• Meeting at school

• You stood up for him when some kids tried to bully him

• He's had a crush on you for a while now

• He asks you if you want to study with him afterschool one day

• That's when he tells you that he likes you 

• You start dating after that

• Meeting his grandfather within the first week of dating

• His grandfather always teases him about you two being cute together

• Alex likes to impress you with random facts about the artifacts in his grandfathers shop

• Always studying together in his grandfathers personal room at the library 

• Becoming friends with Bruce 

• Bruce invites you two over all the time to have dinner with him and Alfred 

• Eventually you meet his parent's when they are actually in town but they don't really pay attention

• Alex doesn't care though, as long as his grandfather likes you that's all that matters 

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