A Date and A Scoop

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Erin: So John, what did you do before this?
Mike: I did community services.
Alex: Like you were picking up garbage out of parks?
Mike: Something like that.
Erin: Where did you go for college?
Mike: You're asking alot of questions.
Erin: It's our job. So answer the question.
Mike: No, I didn't go to a college.
Erin: Then why did Nolan hire you?
Mike: Maybe it was my charming personality.
Erin: You don't have one.
At that moment, my heart cracked a little.
Erin: I mean, not one to impress the boss.
And it got instantly healed.
Alex: Hey Erin, I think I got us a story.
Erin look Alex's computer, and then a grin formed.
Erin: Good job Alex.
Mike: So what did he find?
Erin: He found us a clue on where the Rejects could be hiding.
I almost fell out of my chair.
Mike: Why are you trying to find the Rejects?
Erin: To ask them why they do what they do.
Mike: What if they're doing it just because they can?
Alex: I said the same thing.
Erin: No one does good deeds without wanting something in return.
Mike: Not all people do.
Erin: Well whatever. Come on Newbie, we're gonna find the Rejects.

(few minutes later)

We were standing outside of an abandon church, which is a good thing for me because at least it wasn't the base.
Erin: Is this where you think they are?
Alex: Yeah. I mean it could be an abandon factory or warehouse.
Mike: Why you say that?
Alex: For one, their clothes aren't really like fancy and stuff. Two, they don't seem like the kind of people who would live in a hotel.
Erin: Well, lets hope that your hunch is right.
We head inside the church and start looking around. Alex went his own way and I followed Erin. We didn't speak to each other fpr a long time until she decided to break the silence.
Erin: So, why did you want to work for Nolan?
Mike: He seems like an honest man to work for.
Erin: So not for the money.
Mike: I mean yeah I need the money.
Erin: Then you could've gone to any other news outlet but you chose Nolan's, why?
Mike: Cause I wanted to. You know you ask too many questions. One day that may get you killed.
Erin: Well when that day- AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!
Erin fell through a hole in the ground.
Mike: ERIN!!!!!!
I ran to the hole to see if I could still see her.
Alex: What's happend?
Mike: Erin fell down the hole and she lost her light.
Alex: Do you think you can get down there unscathed?
Mike: Yeah I'm pretty sure.
Alex then hands me a flashlight.
Alex: Then go Mike.
Mike: Wait, you knew?
Alex: Really, you didn't think I wouldn't recognize you?
Mike: You're right. Well, wish me luck my friend.
Alex: Be safe.
I drop down the hole and landed on my butt.
Mike: Ow.
Erin: Not a smart plan Newbie.
Mike: Call me Mike.
Erin: Thought your name was John?
Mike: Michaels is my middle name and so one of my nicknames is Mike.
Erin: Ok then Mike, can you get us out of here?
Mike: Sure just let me turn on the flashlight.
When I turned on the flashlight, I then saw an entire skeleton right infront of me.
Mike: Jesus!
Erin: Wow, now this is story worthy.
Mike: Really, we just found a skeleton and all you can think of is a story?
Erin: Well I'm nervous, and I'm also doing my job. Can you please find an exit?
Mike: Alright.
As I searched for an exit, I decided to ask her some questions.
Mike: So why did you want to be a reporter?
Erin: Because it's been my dream to tell the news.
Mike: Alright then, any boyfriends or are you the married to my work kinda girl?
Erin: One boyfriend, didn't work out though. Why are you asking that?
Mike: No real reason.
As I said that I was trying to pry open a boarded up window.
Erin: Do you like me?
Mike: I have no idea what you mean.
Erin: You like me? We've only known each other for almost a day, how can you like me already?
Mike: That's just me, I just like people. And plus you kinda told me what your like.
Erin: Alright then explain.
Mike: You're a person who seeks the truth because you want people to believe that you kind anything if they just look hard enough. And your caring in a way.
Erin: Wow, you really want to ask me on a date don't you?
Mike: Maybe. There, did it.
Erin: What did you do?
Mike: Found our exit.

(few minutes later)

Erin: Well that was fun.
Mike: Eh, I have been in worse situations.
Erin: Now, do you like me?
Mike: I don't know.
Erin: So you aren't gonna ask me out?
Mike: Do you want me to?
Erin: That's for you to find out.
Mike: Fine, do you want to go on a date with me?
Erin: Sure, I get to know you better if I do.
Mike: Alright then. Ready to go home?
Erin: Sure, see you at 8?
Mike: Sure.
As she walked away, Alex came out the front door.
Alex: Did you just ask here out?
Mike: Yep.
Alex: And did she just say yes?
Mike: Yep.
Alex: ... Good job man.
Mike: Thanks.

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