Nightmares; Fear Itself pt 3

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Mike: Nelson, what are you doing here?
Nelson: You left me to die man, you could've saved me but you didn't.
Mike: Nelson, please.
Nelson: Now it's your turn to feel cold and empty.
Nelson then charges at Mike, his black wings spread out. Mike dodges the attack.
Mike: Nelson stop.
Nelson: Not until you pay for what you've done to me.
Mike: What did I do?
Then Nelson's black wings start transforming into huge metallic wings.
Mike: Wait, you've never had metal wings... This isn't real. Someone is in my head.
Nelson: DIIIIEEEEE!!!!!!!
Nelson charges at Mike again, but this time Mike doesn't dodge, but let Nelson go through him.
Nelson: What?
Mike: You're not real. None of this is real.
The entire area then starts to light on fire.
Nelson: What's going on?
Mike: You're in my mind, the most dangerous place to be. And then you pissed me off.
The fire gets bigger and bigger.
Mike: So, get out of ny head you bitch.
Nelson then turns until Bishop's secretary.
Mike: Your one of Bishop's warriors I'm guessing.
Stacy: Heh, doesn't matter if you've seen through my illusion, your friends will be under them forever.
Mike: Don't count them out just yet. You may think they're weal minded, well maybe Olivia, but they will beat your illusions. So in the real world, you better start running, for The Rejects are coming.
Then Stacy disappears.
Mike: So, do I have to wait until they beat there own fears, or?

(Jess view)

Jess: Who are you?
Stacy: I'm Stacy, but you may call me Illusion or Isis. (for you people out there like how dare you use the name I.S.I.S, i didn't use that one, I used a Egyptian goddess bitch)
Jess: You're the one whose making me see my worst fear?
Stacy: I've been doing that for the past 2 weeks, learning all your fears and hidden secrets.
Jess: Hidden secrets?
Stacy: Yep.
Jess: Who has the hidden secrets?
Stacy: You.
Jess: *scoffs* What?
Stacy: Oh, you know what I'm talking about.
Jess starts throwing energy blasts at Stacy.
Stacy then appears behind her, grabbing her in a chokehold.
Stacy: Wow, you're gaining some feelings towards-
An explosion of energy erupted from Jess, sending Stacy flying.
Stacy: I thought you were weak. Turns out I was wrong.
When Stacy looks at Jess, she realizes that she shouldn't have made Jess angry. Jess's eyes are now black and purple(like whats white is black and like my eye color is blue so it would turn purple) and black lightning is forming around Jess.
Stacy: Will do.
Stacy then dissappears. Jess then returns back to normal.
Jess: Can this please end.

(Jayden's view)

Jayden: This can't be possible.
Jayden?: Of course it can. I'm what you fear. You fear becoming a monster, you fear that you may harm the one you love.
Then Jess appears out of nowhere. The Fake Jayden grabs her and holds one of his blades to her throat.
Jayden?: You're afraid of being the killer you really are.
Jayden: You're... You're... Right.
???: That's a bunch of shit Jayden and you know it.
Jayden turns around to see the man that killed Mike.
Jayden: Tyler?!
Tyler: Look, I know you hate me, but I still think of you as my friend. And I know you can't ever be the killer that you fear of becoming. So stop your bitching.
Jayden: This place ain't real, is it?
Tyler: Nope, it isn't my friend.
Jayden turns to look at the Fake Jayden.
Jayden: Then that means you are apart of my mind then, since this place is showing my greatest fear.
FakeJay: What are you doing Tyler, you're supposed to stop him.
Tyler: I may be Set or Cinderblock, but I will rather see Bishop burn then see my best friend become something he was never meant to be.
The Fake Jayden disappears, screaming as he fades.
Jayden: God, can't I wake up now?

(Frank view)

Jess: What, I thought you love me?
Olivia: You're right.
Frank looks up to see Olivia standing there eating a neon rod.
Frank: Why aren't you saying rude shit about me?
Olivia: Cause really, I don't care if you look like a monster. Doesn't mean you are one.
Frank: I mean-
???: Geoffrey?
Frank turns around to see a little girl looking at him.
Frank: Who are you?
???: Your first kill.
She then gets hit by lightning. Frank steps back in horror.
Olivia: So, that's what you're really afraid of, killing.
Frank: It's horrible. I don't think I meant to hurt that little girl. I don't remember who she was or if I knew her.
Olivia: Then wake the hell up then. Wake up so you can find out who the hell you are.
Frank: ... Whoever is messing with me should think twice.

(Olivia view)

Olivia: ... So when do I get out of here?

(Aiden's view)

Hellblaze: Damn it, looks like your friends have been free of there fears.
Aiden: What does that mean?
Hellblaze reverts back to Scott.
Scott: Means, it's time for you to wake up.

(back in the real world)

Stacy: You got to get us out of here.
Scott: I'm working on it.
Mike: Hey stop!
Just then a portal appears and Scott and Stacy jump in it. But before the portal closed, Mike saw Tyler and a man with metal wings, just like Nelson did in his nightmare.
Olivia: Hey Mike you ok?
Mike: I think I saw Nelson.

(where Scott and Stacy are)

Scott: We're sorry, my lord. The Rejects minds were too strong.
Stacy: Tho we do have some valuable information from there nightmares. But we should focus on how Tyler blew the whole thing.
Tyler: Look, you will not make my best friend into a killer.
Bishop: ENOUGH!
Everyone went silent.
Bishop: I understand why Tyler did what he did, and I will forgive you this time, but next time I will turn you to stone. Understand?
Tyler: Yes master.
Bishop: Now that the Rejects believe we are trying to destroy them with fear, let's give them someone to chase. OSIRIS!
Osiris: Yes, my lord?
Osiris has big metallic wings and is wearing a prechers clothes with a black trench coat and a hood covering his face.
Bishop: Go out there and smite those who you seem unworthy. Draw out the Rejects my warrior.
Osiris: Whatever you say master.

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