A Titan's Return

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???: So, the place looks better.
Mike turna around to see an old friend.
Mike: Hey, Tobes. Yeah we kinda cleaned it up a bit.
Toby: Looks like you've really liven up the place.
Mike: Well, we live here. So we kinda have to make it more alive.
Toby: So, you called me in to fix the Van. So what the hell did you do this time?
Mike: Someone hacked into the bloody radio. I wanna know how.
Toby: Well I mean it can be done.
Mike: What?
Toby: Yeah, you can hack into the Van, but you have to be right next to the Van to hack it.
Mike: So, somehow someone got close to the Van without activating the censors and hacked into our Van?
Toby: Yeah, seems like it. I mean the censors would show if its a friendly and not warn you. For example if I walked towards it, it wouldn't go off.
Mike: Hmmmm. Well Ok I-
Jess rams into Toby, hugging him.
Toby: Good to see you too.
Jayden: HEY TOBY!
Jayden walks up to Toby and the high five.
Jayden: Nice to see you again.
Toby: Thanks.
Mike: Hey Toby, have you heard of the new Titan that's been going around saving people?
Toby looks at Mike.
Toby: I've heard of him but not really know the guy.
Mike: Oh, ok I just wanted to kn-
Then an notification popped up.
Mike: Looks like theres fighting at the docks.
Olivia: Wooo yeah let's go kick some ass.
Frank: Let's do this.
Aiden: I'm ready.
Toby: That's the catchphrase?
Mike: Yep.
Toby: ... Not bad.
Mike: Thank Jayden later, we have to go see ya.
As the Rejects go suit and head out, Toby turns to the computer. He then pulls out a communicator and puts it in his ears.
Toby: Titan, you need to head to the docks, the Rejects may need your help.

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