Meeting The Family

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Mike phone begans to vibrate and he picks it up.
Mike: Hello welcome to Good burger home of the Good burger, can I take your order?
Erin: Hey Mike.
Mike: Heeeyyyy Erin, what's up?
Erin: Can you come to my place to eat... And bring your friends slash roommates.
Mike: Uuuummm why?
Erin: So I can meet them, silly.
Mike: *sighs* Fine, I'll tell them.
Erin: Thanks.
She hung up and Mike put his phone down. He walks into the living room, seeing all his friends there.
Mike: Hey guys, get dressed.
Jayden: Who's attacking the city?
Mike: No one, my girlfriend wants to meet you guys.
Olivia perks up when she hears this.
Olivia: So you're telling me, you want me to fuck up your love life?
Mike: No.
Olivia: Dang it.
Mike: Well come on, get dressed.

(At Erin's apartment)

Mike: *sighs* Please Olivia, don't embarrass me.
Mike sighs and knocks on the door. Erin opens it.
Erin: Hey Mike. So these must be your roommates.
Olivia: What up bitch.
Mike slaps his face.
Erin: ... Fuck you too.
Olivia looks shocked, and then she turns to Mike.
Olivia: I like her.
Olivia heads in. Erin then greets Aiden.
Erin: Hello.
Aiden just stares at her.
Mike: He's not used to talking with strangers.
Erin: Oh ok.
Aiden walks in. And then Erin greets Jayden and Jess.
Jess: Hiiiiiiii I'm Mike's best friend.
Jayden: And I'm her boyfriend. Names Jayden and she forgot to say her name was Jess.
Jess: Oh yeah, sowwy.
Erin: It's ok, come on in.
They went in and last but not least she meets Frank.
Erin: ......
Frank: It's ok, I'm used to the stares.
Erin: ... Are you the hero Frankenstein,
Frank: I mean my name is Frank but no, I'm not.
Erin: Ok, come in.
Frank heads in. Erin walks up to Mike.
Erin: So... Those are your friends.
Mike: No, that's my Family.
Erin: Now it make sense.
They head in, not noticing a man was staring at them from the shadows.

(Inside the apartment a few minutes later)

Erin: HAHAHAHAAH, your serious?
Jayden: Yep, Mike was a weird dude in 11th grade.
Mike: Duuude why did you say that?
Olivia was stuffing the chicken in her face.
Mike: Uuuugggghhhh I knew this was a bad idea.
Jess looked at the clock: It's getting late, we should get going.
Erin: Why, it's only 9:00 pm.
Mike: We all work a night job.
Erin: Oh ok, then I guess I'll see you to the door.

(after the gang left the apartment)

Mike: That was really embarrassing.
Erin: Well it was nice seeing your family.
She kisses Mike on the cheek.
Erin: I'll see you at work?
Mike: Definitely.
Mike left the apartment and she shut the door.
Erin: Well, that was fun.
???: Yeah, I love reliving old memeories.
Erin turned around to see Tyler sitting in a chair.
Tyler: Hello, I'm the distraction and he's your kidnapper.
Erin turned around to see Nelson and Nelson grabbed her.
Tyler: This is gonna be fun.

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