Chapter 9: More Questions

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Carter's POV

I came into the office for a few hours and then planned to leave after lunch. I needed to get on the road as soon as possible to meet Dr. Barton. I was told he could help. I have spent so much time and energy on fixing this. I need a cure and fast. Everything is taking such a toll on me. I got this on my mind, plus the shop to run, plus being future Alpha and then you add the shit with Cat on top of everything and you have me, a worn out, stressed to the max, sexually frustrated man.

I had tried to sleep in this morning, but I hadn't slept in days. My wolf and I have been running, exercising, and lifting just to ease his pain; he missed his mate. He understood my apprehension though. It's his nature, however, to be animalistic. He honestly just wanted to pounce on her and make her forget anything before him. He wants all of her, and I recently realized, so do I. Sitting at my desk, lost in my own thoughts, I heard Tawny yell Cat's name.

I didn't  even use the stairs. I jumped off my office loft and ran through the garage doors. There I found Catherine, lying on the floor. Panicked, I reached down and picked her up ignoring the tingles shooting up my arm. I don't think you are supposed to move them but then again, I am not really a medical expert. I didn't know if she had passed out, gotten sick, fell or what. Her usual flawless skin painted with a thin film of sweat. Her face was honestly the whitest I've only seen on one other person. This reminded me of that situation and before I could stop it, I was flooded with memories of that day. Holding her limp body bridal style in my arms, I glanced over my shoulders.

"I'm taking her home to the pack doctor."

Tanner, who had rushed in right before me, just nodded.

"This was in her hand when she fainted." Tawny said, handing me a note.

I put Cat in my truck. I heard a small murmur of protest after I buckled her in and we no longer had physical contact. I chuckled as her frown deepened. Even in this situation she was so fucking adorable. I quickly climbed in on the driver's side of the truck and drove her quickly to my house. My wolf needed to be close to her and I needed to figure out why she'd fainted. We reached my house in just a few minutes. I opened the truck door and picked her up, and then ran inside. I ignored the questioning looks from my mother and father, who were sitting in the kitchen at the bar, and took her up to my bedroom. I called in our pack doctor Tommy to look her over. After what seemed forever, he made it to the door mind linking me to ask for permission to enter.

After a lengthy glance over and several irritated sighs on my part, he was finished with her check up.

"She is extremely exhausted. The bags under her eyes tell me she hasn't been sleeping well. Also, according to her BMI, she may not have been eating that well either. I think something must have tipped her body past her limit. Although, after a few days' rest and proper nutrition, I am sure she will be fine."

"Thank you Tommy." I exhaled a breath I wasn't aware I was holding.

He just nodded and walked to the door. Before exiting, he looked back at me "Alpha, you will want to mark and mate her soon. Neither of you will last much longer under these conditions. I don't know her exact emotional state but her physical state is dwindling and so is yours. Just beware of the risks." Then, he left.

I could only stand there, shocked for the moment. He knew we were mates. I knew he would keep that bit of information to himself if he wanted to keep his job, and all of his limbs. But at that point, I really didn't care if everyone knew. I just wanted her well again.

When I was satisfied that Cat was comfortable, I went into the office that sat inside my bedroom. I still wanted to be close to her and I wanted to be able to tell when she woke up. I pulled out the note Cat was found holding and unfolded it. I hadn't really known Cat that well, but from what I did know, I could tell she definitely would not want me to in her business. She was private and sickeningly independent. I would never get answers from her just by asking. So, I did the only thing I knew that might would help her. I began reading:

Catherine Aurora Moretelli, my dear,

It is nice to see you finally settled down. Hide and Seek had always been your favorite game. It was very smart to use your brother's name as your last name. It is so sad you only saved his last name and not him. You let him die Catherine, and the rest of your pack died in consequence of your ignorance. Let's see if your mate means more to you than your family did. I will be seeing you soon sweetheart that is a promise.



I immediately felt my bones breaking involuntarily. The wonderful pain washed over my body. Jumping off the balcony I began running. I only saw red. I ran as fast and as hard as I could. What had she been hiding from me? Why does her dad want her? I didn't understand anything about this. I felt betrayed by her and also protective. I dared anyone to touch her. How dare he threaten her? How did he know we were mates? I had so many questions. I ended up having to just shut off my mind and run harder and relentlessly. Feeling the soft plush blades of grass under my paws was relieving. Through the limbs of the trees I felt the rays of the warm sun peep through to warm my chestnut brown fur. I welcomed the honesty of nature's sounds to fill my ears.

A few hours later I made it back home. Seeing that Cat was still out, I walked into my bathroom for a quick shower. Finally, feeling refreshed I got out and slipped on a pair of jeans. I picked the note off the floor, where I left it when I shifted. I tried not to get angry all over again but it was a lost cause. It was then that  I could feel that Cat was awake. The rustling of the silk confirming my feelings. I stormed into my room, done with the games. I held out the letter.

"What the hell is this and what does it mean?"

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