Ch29 The Color Yellow

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Hands. Hands, soft and delicate moving achingly slow down. I cracked my eyes open groggily. I lifted my hands to wipe the dried sleep from my eyes. And then there were another pair of hands, more rough and aggressive. I smiled enjoying the contrast of the hands, the vica versa of what is known as my mates. What a hell of a way to wake up!

My mind drifted on its own accord to what tonight was. It was the full moon. It was the night I would kill my mate's father and Alpha Damon. We had been preparing diligently for the battle we would be facing. I was completely sure that we had the man power to do a lot of damage, but I felt apprehensive that if my secret plan went wrong, things would falter. If one thing, one tiny mishap occurred, it could be bad. Strategically had placed everyone where their greatest strengths would be showcased. The other Alphas were extremely helpful and compliant with my leadership, which honestly dumbfounded me. Usually Alphas all butted heads, naturally. But it seemed they genuinely wanted these guys dead as much as I did. And that thought was comforting.

I finally convinced the girls it was time to get up after a morning of mated fun and address our pack. Everyone needed breakfast and to get focused. Joya, of course, got straight up and headed for the shower. Cat rolled around on the bed pouting and grunting like a child murmuring about how it was barely dawn. I chuckled at her immaturity.

"Get up lazy ass." I commanded while slapping her thin sheet covered ass that was still stuck in the air while her head was stuck under a pillow she had tightly tucked in around her ears.

All I got was a grunt in response.

"Okay well I am going to run through the shower across the hall. When I get out, I can't wait to sink my teeth into juicy savory steak and eggs and sweet chocolate chip Belgian waffles. I guess I will just have to eat your portion too."

That had her practically jiu jitsu-ing her way out from under the tangled sheet and pile of pillows she had encased herself in. She was in the shower with Joya before I even had a chance to blink. I laughed as I crossed the hall to the guest bathroom. Food always got her out of the bed, or anywhere for that matter.

"I don't understand why we couldn't stay in the bed." Cat complained while we were all sat eating breakfast. It was still pretty early and only the Alpha's families were up. We normally ate breakfast before anyone else, not because we thought of ourselves more superior (which we are by the way) but because we generally started our day a lot earlier than the rest of the pack. We had office duties, alliances, Elders, strategies, finances, and the list goes on to complete for the day.

"I mean, I think if we had more rest, it would be beneficial for the fight." She tried to reason.

I knew what she was doing. She was trying to lighten the mood for everyone. She was being her masked self and putting everything so nonchalantly to hide her emotions. She was scared. I was the only one who could see that.

"Once again, I'd like to be the one to point out that you're and idiot." Toby responded. "We are in for the biggest fight of our lives and you want to stay in bed. What the hell is wrong with you?"

Toby's fist were clenched slightly and his eyes were closed. I could tell he was pissed at Cat for being so carefree about the whole thing. But maybe it was deeper than that. I had a feeling this had more to do with losing his mother than it did with Cat's attitude. Even though Alpha Damon wasn't responsible, I think he may have thought of this as some kind of justice for the death of his mother.
 I understood that but he should still watch how he spoke to his Luna.

"Settle down Toby. She is still your Luna." I reminded him calmly. His anger subsided.

"I'm sorry, to both of you." He said looking first at me and then at Cat. "I'm just a little more on edge than I thought I would be."

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