A Growing Son

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Caesar and Maurice sat on the edge of the colony's main circle, signing slowly. After the events over a year ago, the atmosphere of the colony had changed drastically. Though Caesar repaired the rift between the apes caused by Koba, his former friend's hatred still seeped through many. This remaining dread was what led Caesar to decide it would be best for both human and ape to remain separated. The apes would not seek the humans out and hopefully the humans would not seek them in return. However, there was always that knowledge of the humans' need for revenge weighing at the back of his mind, so Caesar made sure to have extra precautions put into place just in case the war started back up again.

It had taken a few months of travel, but Caesar finally decided they had found a new home. In their few days spent in the human colony, he had looked over old maps of the coast and found the largest piece of open forest just north of their former home in Muir Woods, a huge expanse of green near what was Gualala Point Regional Park. The decision to move the colony so far didn't come without complaints, mainly from the females with young. Even his mate, Cornelia, had argued that Milo, their youngest, was in no state to travel at his fragile age. Caesar persuaded her and the others that their home in Muir Woods wasn't safe and staying in the city was even less so. In the end, they had made the hundred mile trip and now resided in the mass of redwoods a few miles from the coast.

Home is coming along well, Maurice signed.

Caesar nodded, "Yes, my friend," he said aloud then sighed and turned to his hands, It will take many years before we are able to come near what we had.

Maurice nodded with a few of his guttural sounds in return.

Their original colony had slowly been built and improved over ten years before it was destroyed by fire, yet this one only a handful of months under it. There were many things that they managed to scavenge from the original's remains, but the work that had gone into it had disappeared. Luckily for the new colony, their building prowess was much more efficient, so this new home was turning out quickly.

Blue Eyes will return soon? Maurice asked.

Caesar smiled with a nod, He and Luca went down to fish. He sighed heavily and looked down at his motionless hands for a moment then continued, He misses Ash.

Maurice grunted in response, Sadness is normal.

He still blames himself for not stopping Koba, Caesar grimaced at his former friend's name.

He should never blame himself, Maurice tried to remain positive, The shock of death hurts the strongest ape. He turned his fear into courage.

Caesar gave a breathy smile. Maurice was always the one he could turn to when there was need of hope and he held onto that more than anything.

A few loud hoots from the sentries below them announced the arrival of apes. A few seconds later, Blue Eyes on horseback and Luca on foot came running pasts the gates. Caesar had a quick flurry of dread pour through him at their hastened entry, but it quickly turned to happiness as he saw his son and Luca share a laugh.

I beat you good, Luca, Blue Eyes signed with pride.

The massive gorilla grunted and beat his chest, You are on a horse!

Blue Eyes laughed, You kept up most of the way!

"Old," Luca grunted, his unused voice coming out as more of a growl.

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