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Blue Eyes followed his father's horse the few miles to the colony in silence. He glanced up at him often, yet found nothing but the back of his head.

He couldn't help but question why he'd be treating him this harshly. What had he done? He knew Riley and Alex wouldn't be the most welcome visitors at the colony. It was obvious. That's why he had warned them to not go to the colony directly but stop outside their borders and wait to be found. It was clearly the best idea in this situation. And, though they didn't quite get as far as they would've liked due to the 'crappy fuel line', as Riley called it, breaking off when they took the buggy off a level road, they were far enough into ape territory to be noticed. For within fifteen minutes of stopping his father and the advance group were upon them.

He glanced back up at his father, scrunched his nose in irritation, and returned to his feet. He should've at least been slightly proud of his accomplishments over such a short time. True he had seen surprise in his father's eyes when he greeted him, but that surprise didn't even seem to register before he turned angry. He didn't even let him try to explain what was going on!

Blue Eyes kept his frustrations low under his hood, hiding his scowling face from those that might look at him. It was like he was some kind of prisoner being led to trial. And with the way he was surrounded, it noticeably wasn't that much of a stretch.

As he listened to the hoof beats around him, he felt his emotions start to grind away at his heart, turning anger into pain. Maybe this was what he deserved. He had attacked an ape without cause, basically ran away, and now returned home with a couple of humans who carried news of a possible upcoming attack on the home they weren't even done with! No wonder his father was so angry with him. How could he have been so stupid to believe that...

The odd sensation of eyes staring at him pulled his twisting face upwards, meeting the ever-knowing green orbs of Maurice.

The old orangutan's eyes smiled before he raised his hands in a low sign, "Do not worry, Blue Eyes. We are happy you are home," he looked at the ape leader in front of them, sighed, and glanced back at Blue Eyes, "Especially Caesar. He has been the most worried out of all of us. But the news you bring with the humans just adds to the problems we have."

Blue Eyes began to speak but realized he was back in the company of those who understood sign, so, to best keep out of his father's earshot, he raised his hands, "What other problems?"

It was odd, but even though he had only been with Alex and Riley for a short time, he felt like using sign was almost a second language to him now. Maybe this was why his father had been so adamant about him speaking as much as possible. Spoken words definitely got your point across when you needed to make a strong statement. He smirked as Riley's voice suddenly came back into his mind, 'An ape that can talk is intimidating enough, but an ape that can hold a clear conversation...' No wonder his father commanded so much presence when he was in front of humans. Caesar had known all along what Riley knew...

Maurice's characteristic rumble turned his eyes back, instantly causing a rise of an eyebrow. The orangutan looked like he was about to laugh. "What's so funny?" Blue Eyes signed with an annoyed frown.

Maurice just continued to smile, "You and Caesar are so alike at times it is uncanny." All Blue Eyes could do was snort before Maurice eased himself back into seriousness. "As to your question about our other problem...we best not discuss anything further until we have returned home."

It was not in Blue Eyes' nature to argue with a superior, but he felt himself almost growling at the elder ape above him without thought. "But why leave Alex and Riley?" he said, no longer bothering to keep his words from his father's ears. A quick glance forward proved that he wasn't being ignored, for Caesar had stopped and turned, stern green eyes focused on him. Ignoring his father, Blue Eyes returned his equally harsh blue eyes to Maurice. "They did not know about what others were planning. They want to help," his eyes quickly fell and his voice softened, "They...helped me...when no ape could..."

"We return home first," his father's calm voice gained surprised blue eyes and he smiled faintly before his face turned serious again, though it lacked the angered harshness as before, "It is late. Humans colony tomorrow."

Seeing the understanding within his father's eyes, Blue Eyes finally gave him a reassuring smile and lowered his hood.

His reunion with the other apes was mixed as expected. Many welcomed him back with open arms, but there were still those who kept a distance from him for fear of triggering another outburst. He understood their anxiety and tried his best to show them that there was no need for worry by keeping his own distance and acknowledging every one of them with a reassuring nod and smile. This self-confidence was held together well until the group walked into the community circle, where his mother and brother awaited them.

The second he caught his mother's bewildered eyes his strength crumbled. Ignoring two legs for four, he sprinted towards her and fell into her open arms, tears openly running down his face.

She held him so close for so long he felt as if she'd never let him go again. He didn't blame her in the slightest.

"I'm so sorry, mother," he wept into her shoulder, "I...didn't mean to..."

She loosened her hold, placed their foreheads together, and softly held his head with her hands, silently voicing that he had nothing to apologize for. He was home. That was all she cared about.

When she managed to find the strength to release him, his brother, Cornelius, hastily took her spot and jumped all over him, excited screams and hoots ringing throughout the colony. Blue Eyes ecstatically took in his brother's joy and rolled around like an infant again around his mother's feet. It was mid-roll that Blue Eyes happened to glance up. Caesar was standing above them with Maurice, his eyes red with tears that he was forcing back.

Never taking his eyes off of him, Blue Eyes calmed and handed Cornelius back to his mother, then slowly rose and walked up to his father. He could see the strength behind the great ape's demeanor start to crumble with every step he took, and by the time he stood in front of him, his father was grinding his teeth together to keep from breaking.

He felt more tears of his own but showed his father's strength and held them back. Instead, he took a deep breath and assumed the stance Riley had taught him, unexpectedly raising his height ever so slightly higher than the ape before him. His father took a strengthening breath of his own then raised his hands and placed their foreheads together, the silence, as before, the only thing needed between them.


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