Hidden Messages

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There was silence on the other side of the radio. Blue Eyes expected it. The dramatic shift he showed had stunned both Alex and Riley to open mouthed gapes, so it wasn't a surprise that their colonel had been a little...stunned.

After his demand for the radio, Riley grabbed it without batting an eyelash, though she made it adamant to Fremont that Malcolm be there for the call.

It was Malcolm who answered after the silence, "B...Blue Eyes?" even he seemed to be dumbfounded with how he stuttered, "How...When did you find them?"

Even though Blue Eyes' confidence in his abilities had changed, he still felt himself pause before he said anything. If he didn't say the right things the right way then the humans wouldn't take him seriously, but if he said the wrong things then he could put them all at risk. He looked between the others then raised the mic back up, "This morning," he glanced at Riley who nodded in approval, "They told everything."

"So you know about the attack then?" Malcolm asked, "Was...was it from the colony?"

Blue Eyes shook his head, "No. Ape did not come from us."

"Do you have any idea where..." Malcolm was stopped.

"And how do we know you are who you say you are?" Fremont's voice came back on. It was harsher yet still had that hint of shock behind it.

Blue Eyes growled at the mic and started to speak when Alex grabbed the mic from him. "He's who he says he is, sir," he said fast, "We spent a lot of time with him when Caesar was hurt, and he helped free the colonists when Koba attacked." Blue Eyes noticed he left out any mention of Maurice and the others.

There was silence on the other side. Blue Eyes held his hand out for the mic again and forced a smile, grateful for Alex's backing. He gave it back with a nod and sideways smile of his own.

"I am sorry we cannot meet," Blue Eyes told the colonel, trying to keep his growing anger down, "But I am taking them to Father. As you wanted."

Fremont seemed to ignore him, "So you speak for Caesar when you say there's no chance that this attack was from you?"

Blue Eyes paused again then gave an oh-so-Caesar scowl before almost growling into the mic, "Yes."

"Very well," Fremont's voice was almost smiling, which spurned another growl from Blue Eyes and a scowl from Alex, "And how far are all of you from reaching the colony? Where are you now?"

Riley's eyes twitched and she shifted in her seat. Blue Eyes noticed her movement and went silent, lowering the mic, "What is wrong?" he asked.

Riley glanced up, "I'm not sure. How far are we?"

Blue Eyes shook his head, unsure, "Where are we now?"

She pulled out the map, pointed to Fort Ross, and spoke fast, "Fort Ross is honestly right over the hill from us. Do you remember passing by a large set of buildings made of wood?" He nodded, "How long did it take you to get there from the colony?"

"Two d..."

Riley grabbed the mic from him, "We're at Fort Ross. It'll take a little over four days if the weather holds up, sir. They're further out than we thought."

Blue Eyes shared another glance with Alex before the colonel came back on, "Alright. Blue Eyes, was it?"

Riley handed the mic back. "Yes?" his voice was lower now, the worry starting to break his newly found self-assurance.

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