| Chapter 9 | Rules, Blonde, & Roommate

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A/N : skipping the rest of the summer tour. Don't hate me. Someone told me to add more drama so I am :)

The tour was amazing! The boys worked their butts off and sang their hearts out. But, it had to come to an end. Sad face.

It was a week later when the boys pulled me into the livingroom.

"Bree, I know you don't like this, but you've got to go to school." Luke said, his hands in his lap.

"We don't want to, but it's the law." Calum added. I told them that it's okay, that I understand. They all smiled and hugged me.

*First day of school*

I held onto my bookbag and smiled into the mirror. I had my pink hair straightened and my favorite outfit on: a pair of converse, an aztec pattern shirt, a pair of shorts, and a couple bead bracelets to go along.

I slipped my phone in my back pocket before meeting the boys downstairs. Luke tossed me an apple and I ate it on the ride there.

We had a quiet ride, probably because none of us get up at such an unearthly hour.

They all walked me in and a short lady led us into the office. I sat quietly as the boys talked to the principal and I began to daze off until I heard my name.

"Bree is under the violation of dress code." She said, eying me. What was wrong with it?

"What does that mean?" Ashton asked.

"Well, for starters, hair color has to be a natural shade. Second, her shorts are too short. She is not allowed into school classes until this is fixed." She said. Michael shook his head. (A/N: I know some of you don't have this dress code but I do at my school so I'm going by that)

"That's bullcrap.' Calum growled, standing up.

"Calum, it's okay." I said, urging him to sit down.

"It's the school border's rules, not mine. I'm sorry." She said.

I was grabbed by my arm and pulled out of the office,"Where are we going?"

"To the store to get hair dye." Luke said. I groaned and we all piled into the car.

*An hour and lots of stains later*

I hate it. I want to stay pink. I hate this and I hate stupid rules.

I got out of the shower and put on my clothes. I looked at my hair in the mirror. It was fricking blonde!

"Ugh!" I groaned before flopping on my bed.

I began going through a magazine that had Josh Hutcherson on the cover. mmmmmmm ;) definitely my man candy Monday.

I began to get bored and decided to go downstairs to hang with the boys. I found nothing but a sticky note on the fridge and a box of pizza on the counter.

'Be back soon, we had a bit of recording. Sorry BreeBree. -Xx'

I threw the sticky note away and took the box of pizza up to my room.

It was lonely here, and quiet. Too quiet.

I was scrolling through my contacts, trying to see if I had anyone to text. I found one number I've never texted before: Preston :)

To Preston :)

Hiiiiii, it's Bree from McD's

I decided to text Niall and tell about this morning.

From Nialler Pooh

Now we match! :D But that's terrible. xx

I sent him an agreement and threw my phone on my bed.

"What to do, what to do..." I hummed, walking around the house. Right then, the doorbell rang and I ran downstairs to answer it. There stood my old orphanage friend. She had brown hair and was absolutely in love with music.

"Sara! Why are you-?" And before I could finish my question, she wrapped her arms around me and broke into sobs.

"J-jason ch-cheated on m-m-me." She stuttered, crying. I rubbed her back and led her inside.

"How'd you know I stay here?" I asked her.

"Don't get mad, please! I begged Ms Stewart for your address. It took a while to get it, but I finally did." She admitted, rubbing her eyes.

Jason was her boyfriend of seven months. Even though she was only fifteen, she believed that she was in love. He always brought drama wherever he went. Honestly, he was a bit clingy. 'Me this!' 'Me that!' Like zayummm boy.

I took her up to my room and she helped me finish off the pizza and I told her about how she was way better off without him. It probably worked a bit, because I had her laughing within an hour.

We were laying down, listening to music when she found my phone.

"Who's this?" She asked, showing that Preston :) had texted back.

"Oh, someone I ran into at Maccas. Ruined a good shirt, but he's cool." I said, opening the text.

Thought you'd never text me :) how are you Miss I-Dont-Text-Until-Summer-Ends ;)

I reply with a 'good'. Me and Sara continued talking, the boys shortly joining us once they got back.

At around six, we were all sitting in a circle playing truth or dare when Sara announced that she had to leave.

Once she left after us hugging, I realized how lonely I was without another girl around and how much I missed her.

"You two are real close, aren't you?" Luke asked, leaning on the table. I nodded and threw our many food wrappers away and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I wish we can bunk rooms like we did in the orphanage." I muttered. Luke hummed in response.

Later that night, all the boys -strangely- decided to head to the store. I sat in my room painting my toenails and messed up when the doorbell rang.

"Coming!" I screamed. I ran, well kinda, downstairs to see the boys with no groceries.

"Boys, you have a key and no groceries." I said, raising an eyebrow.

"No, but we do have you a new roommate." Calum said, smirking.


My bestfriend has been reading this so I decided YOU SHALL BE A CHARACTER MUWHAHAHAGAVAGAGA *chokes*

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