for the better ❥ jonathan brandis

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timidlila ; this is for lila! i'm sorry it's short, but i hope you enjoy it, love! i'm also really happy that my first imagine and request was for my baby jonathan :')

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timidlila ; this is for lila! i'm sorry it's short, but i hope you enjoy it, love! i'm also really happy that my first imagine and request was for my baby jonathan :')

Lila had been lying on the couch in her house, watching MTV on the small tv that stood against the wall. It was rather gloomy outside, dark grey skies, the occasional thunder. Her parents were gone for the night so she was home alone. An interview of Jonathan had played for maybe the 4th time today, which reminded her of him, and also how he hadn't called her today at all.

She stood up from the couch and walked into the kitchen, looking out the window above the sink as it started to pour. She grabbed a soda from the fridge and opened it. Before she could take a sip, there was a knock at the door, causing her to set the cold can down and make her way to the front door. She opened it, seeing a soaked Jonathan standing at her doorway.

"Jonathan, you're insane." She said, chuckling as she pulled him inside and closed the door behind him. "I needed to talk to you, and not over the phone." He told her, thanking her quietly for the towel she handed her. She noticed he didn't have the usual smile he always wore, which worried her a bit. He finished drying his hair as best as he could, setting the towel aside and looking at her. God, he loved her so much. He knew he would never find anybody like her, she was his world, his life, his light at the end of the tunnel, his everything.

Jonathan grew sadder and more hurt, practically feeling guilty for doing what he came here to do. But he knew if he didn't, he would hurt her and she would never forgive him.

Lila's eyebrow rose in question, "Jon?" She questioned, wondering why he wasn't saying anything. He let out a sigh, licking his lips and getting ready to speak.

"Lila, you know how much I love you, right?" He began, his voice unusually quiet as he took her hands in his own. She nodded with a small smile, "Of course I do, and I love you too." She told him, confused slightly. "That's why," He let out a shaky breath, trying to compose himself. "That's why I'm breaking up with you." He said, having more pain behind his voice than you could imagine.

Her smile disappeared, her heart dropped, her eyes immediately filled with tears, the world completely stopped turning. She opened her quivering lips, ready to speak. "If you love me, why would you leave me?" Her voice tore his heart to absolute shreds, his pained face looking at her with love and sorrow. "I'm not leaving you, baby, you'll still have me. We just can't be together during my career because I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to hurt anyone." He told her, his hand lifting from hers to her cheek, wiping the tears that fell with his thumb.

Her sniffles and occasional whimpers caused a few tears to fall from his eyes. He hated himself for doing this to her. "I have, still, and will always love you no matter what." He whispered, his other hand on her other cheek now.

She knew why he was doing this, and she loved him even more for it. She could never compare his selflessness and amount of love he held in his heart for people to anybody else. She shakily nodded, "I love you too." She said, the two capturing each other in a sad, love-filled kiss goodbye. They both reluctantly pulled away, Lila letting go of him as he left a lingering kiss to her forehead before opening the door and walking out.

They both hurt. But they both knew it was for the better.

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