corey haim.

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"c'mon y/n, it'll be fun!" corey was annoyingly bugging you to go to a party that a girl at school was throwing. she was supposedly the richest girl in school, but you didn't pay much attention to that stuff, you just knew she was extremely popular.

you rolled your eyes as you shut your locker, not giving corey a glance. "not interested, corey." "but i want you to come with me, please?" he now stood in front of you, giving you a pouty look. you let out a sigh as you rolled your eyes a second time. "whatever, but you're driving me." you crossed your arms after giving him the one condition for you to go.

his face brightened with excitement. "duh, i'll drive you! thank you so much!" he grabbed your shoulders and kissed all over your face, putting you in shock as he walked away. your brought your hand to your mouth in surprise, not being able to help the smile that cascaded your features. "did he really just do that?" you mumbled to yourself, walking to your next class in bewilderment.

8:00 pm

it was time for corey to pick you up to go to this stupid party. you were wearing red tights and a block-colored sweater with your black converse, your hair half up with a scrunchie. you didn't bother putting on much makeup, just eyeliner, mascara and lipgloss.

you sat on your bed, waiting for corey to knock on the front door, he should be here any minute. and, you were right, except he knocked on your window instead. you looked over at it, seeing his smiling face. god he was so fucking cute. you walked over and unlatched the window, pulling it open. "hey romeo, there's a front door for a reason." you chuckled.

"i know, i wanted to make an entrance." he smirked, running his hand through his lightly greased hair. "you ready? you look ready, very beautifully ready." he smiled again, "not that you don't look beautiful everyday, because you do." he quickly added, his hands up.

you laughed and playfully rolled your eyes, "thank you corey, you don't look too bad yourself." you complimented him, causing him to turn red. he nodded as a thank you.

he led you out of the window and to his car, opening the passenger side door for you. you got in and fastened your seatbelt.

once you arrived to the party, your nerves started acting up. you never liked parties, they gave you anxiety. you didn't like crowded places, or very very loud places. plus you always felt like people in parties judged you, like you didn't belong there.

you stared at the front door as you both walked up to it, corey walking inside first. you followed him, but quickly grabbed his hand, which made him look back at you. "don't let me go, please." you told him, moving to stand close to him. he smiled, now wrapping his arm around your shoulders, guiding you throughout the big house after grabbing a drink.

all of a sudden, somebody bumped into you, spilling their drink all over your shirt and face. you gasped, closing your eyes. your heart was racing. "oh no," corey grabbed your hand and led you to a bathroom.

you felt like crying, but refrained from doing so. he found a cloth and ran it under warm water, "can i?" he asked permission first, earning a nod from you. he put on hand behind your head and used the other to gently wipe your face, along with some of your hair. he noticed your frown, seeing you looked on the verge of tears. "hey, no, don't cry."

he frowned, pushing some of your hair behind your ear, "it'll be okay." you sniffled, "i hate parties, i hate them so much." he felt guilty for bringing you. "i'm sorry, babe." he placed a kiss on your cheek. "you taste like beer." he chuckled, causing you to chuckle along with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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