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{Tyler POV}

Formal dances are not my thing.
But around my school,
It is everything.

The last couple weeks I have been experiencing promposals after promposals. Each one just makes me feel more and more alone and worthless.

What even is the point of formal dances?

Friday (two days before Prom)


Groaning, I turn over to shut off the alarm. It takes me a minute but, I make it out of bed, get dressed, and go downstairs for breakfast.
Unlike other days, my siblings were going crazy over prom. My brothers where joking to eachother about what they are going to do after prom and my sister was talking over the phone with her friend about her makeup.

"Hi honey!"

"Hey Mom."

"Any plans this weekend?"


I could see her sympathy she showed but it quickly disappeared when Madison came up to her with a question about somthing or whatever. Wasn't important.


Text from Brendon

Hey loser. Wanna skip today?

He couldn't have picked a better day.

To Brendon

Sure. Best day to do so. Who's coming?

From Brendon

It would be me, you, Josh and Ryan.

To Brendon

Still trying to get into his pants are ya?

From Brendon

Shut up. I'll be at your house in a minute.

I throw on my jacket and shoes, grabbing my bag to make it seem as I am going to school, and leave out the front door. Leaving the chaos of tomorrow's plans at home.
After a minute, Brendon comes by. I smile and go by his door. He rolls down his window and yells out.

"Back seat, kiddo."

I roll my eyes and take a seat in the back by Josh.
After greeting everyone and some light teasing, Brendon drives off down the road.

"So," I start off, throwing may bag else where, "Where are we going?"

He looks into his rearview mirror and smirks.

"You will find out."

"That's not creepy or anything." I say, crossing my arms and smiling.

He chuckles and says, "Okay, how about this...It's a surprise."

I laugh and lay back in my seat. "Fine man. But if we go into a creepy road by a corn field, I'm leaving his car and running as fast as I can. Just saying."

A chuckle flows though the car as we drive down the road.

During the car ride...

{Josh POV}

It feels like forever, but the drive is only an hour long. I'm so anxious about everything, hoping it will go as I planned. While Tyler took a quick nap on the way, I had to ask again.

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