// chapter 20 //

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    Lightpaw emerged from the healer's den shaken, but the second she stepped out into the open she found herself swept up by the other apprentices. An electric energy hung in the air, one that should have swept her up. Yet, all she felt was fear, rolling off of her in waves.

    "DarkClan, gather around," Dawnstar crowed from the Speaking Rock and, numbly, Lightpaw felt her paw moving towards the centre of the camp. Beside her Stormpaw practically vibrated with excitement.

    Morningfire. The name took up every corner of her mind. Her own father had not recognized her in his feverish state, he'd thought she was someone else. And now, judging from the gathered Clan, she might never see him again if the greencough grew any worse.

    "We're gathered today to see off our four apprentices on their final assessment," Dawnstar said somewhere off in the distance, and Lightpaw vaguely realized that she might never see Yewpaw again either.

    "Our sources in Twolegplace have reported sightings of rebel activity and we are wary of an attack," the DarkClan leader continued. She looked absolutely imperious sitting atop the Speaking Rock, even with Spiderthorn missing from her side. In fact, she looked more royal than Lightpaw had ever seen her.

    Dawnstar leapt down from the rock, beckoning the apprentices closer. Beetlepaw hissed, startling a dazed Lightpaw forward. She felt Dawnstar's eyes travel over her, taking in her frazzled state.

    "Stormpaw and Rainpaw," the leader said, redirecting her gaze to the two grey apprentices. "You will travel to the Crowfood Place within the Twolegplace. It lies over a small bridge and is made up of mountains of crowfood. There, you will find the Junkyard Gang and it is your mission to convince them to join us."

    The two grey apprentices exchanged incredulous looks but accepted their mission with a nod.

    The unease in Lightpaw's stomach grew; only she and Beetlepaw were left. If the other two had been paired...

    "Beetlepaw, Lightpaw. You are to infiltrate the ranks of the alley cats, who are hiding the rebels. Your assessment will depend on the information you are able to gather, and how many you are able to kill."

    Lightpaw's blood turned cold. She looked over at Beetlepaw, hoping to see the same reaction, but saw only blood lust in her littermate's eyes, a determination to do anything it took to become a full member of DarkClan.

    "You will set out at nightfall," Dawnstar decided. Above, the sun had painted the sky in hues of marigold and lavender; nightfall was not far off.

    Lightpaw's first instinct was to run, as fast and far away as her legs would allow. But to what end? DarkClan would hunt her down, too, and end her like they wanted to end the rebels.

    "Lightpaw?" She looked up to meet worried copper eyes.

    "I brought you your travelling herbs," Reedpaw explained. "They might taste a little bitter, I'd recommend sharing a mouse with Beetlepaw before you head out to get rid of the taste. They'll help you travel further without needing to stop to hunt."

    Lightpaw nodded mutely, dismissing the tom. He did not move.

    "Are you alright?" he asked.

    Of everyone in DarkClan, Reedpaw would have understood her hesitation.

    "It's just so surreal," Lightpaw said instead.

    Reedpaw twitched his whiskers. "You'll be back in no time," he assured. "I'll be here waiting for you." He touched his nose to hers and she breathed him in, willing herself to remember the scent of lavender and mint. Some semblance of relief filled Lightpaw and she flicked her tail over his shoulder as he moved off to deliver travelling herbs to Stormpaw. She lapped the herbs up quickly, scrunching her nose up at the bitter taste. She would definitely take Reedpaw up on the advice about the mouse.

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