The Call

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I wake up in a cold sweat, damn nightmares I look at the clock on my phone and see its 7:30 and look at the text Miranda sent me saying Happy Birthday then I look at the date March, 10. Holy shit I can't believe I forgot my own birthday, all of a sudden I hear hush voices I quickly pull out my .45 and hid it under my pillow and lay down like I'm asleep. I peek out of my eye to see Jax and Opie walking over to the bed I quickly shut my eye, all of a sudden they start jumping on my bed, I quickly sit up and put the gun on the nightstand "WHAT IN THE HELL STOP WITH THE JUMPING" I yell out, with that they stop jumping and yell out happy birthday. "I swear you two act like you are five years old" I tell them getting out of bed and start walking into the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen and plug in my coffee maker, I go to the fridge and pull out the left over pizza from last night. I start eating as the boys walk in "come on go get dressed we have a surprise for you" "fine" I walk back into my room to change into some jeans and a t-shirt while I'm pulling my boots on my phone starts to ring, I run over and pick it up without looking at the caller ID "hello" "Jo.. he did... it please... come back..." "Shh.. Hun calm down, Anna what happened and where are you" did I forget to say that I have a 18 year old half sister. "Im.. in the old storage unit in town... please come and help me... im so sorry, this happened now" "Hey calm down stay there okay and I'll call someone then call you back okay" "please don't call Bubba.. and okay, I trust you, I love you Jo" "I love you to Anna I'll be there as soon as I can okay" I hang up. I grab a duffle bag while I call Caroline Bryan "hello" she ask "Hey its me Jo, please tell me you are in Nashville" "yea why" "well you know I moved to Cali well Anna stayed with a friend, well something happened and now she's hiding at my storage unit in town. Can you please go pick her up and check on her and take her home till I get there, I don't know what kind of shape she's in but please go get her, she should be in unit 26A and please don't take her to the hospital she doest like it there with out me" "I'll get her Jo don't worry call me or Luke when you get here." we say goodbye I finish stuffing cloths in my bag and grab my phone and charger and put it in my shoulder bag. I run back into the kitchen to see the boys talking. "one of you two need to take me to the airport NOW!" they stand up and walk over to me "hey what happened Jo, where are you going" opie asked me "my sister just called in fear saying some one raped her now one of your asses take me to the airport now!" with that we run out side and hop on the bike I get on with Opie "now we have to run by the clubhouse, since I'm coming with you, now lets go." Jaxs tells me.

We pull into the gate and hope of the bikes Jax's runs into the clubhouse while I run towards the office. I knock on the door then rush in Gemma looks up "hey what's wrong you should be happy its your birthday" I just shake my head. She gets up and comes and hugs me "what's wrong baby" "My little sister just called and said she was raped so I'm going to go get her" Gemma just hugs me harder "go get her and bring her back here okay" I nod my head as Jax comes in and tells me its time to go. I give Gemma one last hug and run back outside and get on behind Jax and we head to the airport.

Luckily we got there when we did because there was a straight flight from here to Nashville, we had just had an of time to go through security and board the plane. I hate planes just hate them. I lean my head back, tightly shut my eyes and strapped the seatbelt tight "don't like flying do ya Jo" I just shake my head no. He pulls me into his side and kisses the top of my head "it'll be all right darlin' I won't let anything happen" I just nod my head and fall asleep.

I wake up right as we're about to land I grasp Jaxs hand since this is my least favorite part of the flight. When we exit the plane I turn my phone back one and call Caroline but she didn't answer so I call Luke, I grasp Jaxs hand as we walk through the airport towards the luggage. Finally after a couple rings he picks up. "hey Luke have you talked to your wife yet." I had to say that so when we meet them jax doesn't get all protective of me and all that crap. "uh yea she's right here,' hey Jo your sisters asleep in our guest room, we're at the farm outside of town, do you remember how to get here, oh and nice car in the unit" "thanks and yea I remember how to get there" we say goodbye and hang up. We see are bags and grab them "um how are we going to get to where ever we're going?" Jax ask me, I just smirk. We head outside and I hail a taxi, we get in and I tell them the address of the storage place. It takes a good ten minutes to get there with all the traffic. I get out an Jax follows me, I walk down the rows till I get to my unit I grap my keys and open the door. I pull the tarp off my black 1969 dodge charger. I turn back to Jax "where in the hell did you find this" he ask me I shrug my shoulders "found it my senior year in high school in a junk yard, basically rebuilt it from the frame up." I move some junk out of the way and pull the door open and jump in and stick the key in the ignition and put it in gear. I pull out if the unit and hop out and push everything pack in and lock it. I get back in with Jax getting in. I pull on to the street and head to south part of town.

I pull up to the gate and push the button "hello who is it" a little voice says "hey Bo can you open the gate for aunt JoJo" the gates open up. "aunt JoJo" Jax questions me "I'm their godmother" I pull up to the front of the house as two little boys come running out, I get out of the car as their attack my legs. "hey BoBo, tater bug where's momma and daddy" "inside" they say at the same time. I turn to look at Jax and he's smiling not one he uses for the crow eaters but a real one "Bo, Tate meet my friend Jax" they get all shy when they look at him, and hide behind my legs "why don't you boys go play" they run off while I go up the steps and go inside with Jax following me Caroline comes over when the door opens, she gives me a big hug "she won't come out of the room, and that's Jax isn't" she whispers in my ear while I hug her. I may have menchend him to her once. I nod my head and she smirks at me. "go on up Jo" I head towards the stairs and give Jax the signal to follow me. I go up to the door and knock while I open the door and walk over to the bed and sit down on the side while Jax stands in the doorway. "I'm fine Caroline" "it's not Caroline Anna" she pulls the blankets away and sits up. When I see her face I want to kill the person who did this, she has a black eye and a busted lip an and a big bruise on her other cheek. I pull into hug and she starts to sop, all I do is rub her back while humming a song that I helped write a while ago. I look over at Jax and see he's on the phone with someone "who is it" I mouth to him "Gemma" he says back. "Anna I hate to ask this but who did this." "Josh" she whispers to me. I am going to kill that fucking bastard . "He didn't finish though I wouldn't let him, I got him with my pocket knife. He was so close though, after I got him I ran and hide in the unit." she says into my shoulder. "come on I want you to meet someone. Anna this is Jax" she looks up at him and nods her head. "come on let's go get a hotel and then we leave for Cali how bout that Anna." she nods her head and we leave the Bryan's for a hotel.

Please vote and comment picture to the side is Anna. And the song that Jo was humming

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