Who's A Dad?

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Hey y'all I know I haven't updated in a while but i've been busy since this last week was 4th of July It's like Christmas for my family (I know it's weird but I come from a family of rednecks so its like the only holiday that its legal to blow stuff up and use explosives) sorry got off topic, anyways I hope you like this chapter and to the side is a picture of the beautiful Danneel Harris Ackles who plays Jo and a video of Florida Georgia Line's "Dirt". Anyways I hope you like this chapter.


I spin around and look through the file cabinet. Haha found it I go through almost all of my familys birth certificates till I finally found Anna's I pull it out and look at the fathers name "Holy Shit" I mumbled no wonder my mom never told me who Anna father was I would beat~ him a new one and I still will "Jax get your ass in here now" I yell out. "What is it" he ask "Look whos Anna's father is then you will know" he takes one look at it "shit" the name of the Father of Anna May Strait is the one and only

Alexander "Tig" Trager


I slam the paper down on the desk and shoot out of the chair and lean over the desk "Jax hand me you phone now." I grit out through my teeth. "No Jo, okay just calm down and figure out if this is true or not, first of all when is Anna's birthday and was she born early or not?" I let out a sigh and sit back down in the chair "Anna's birthday is October 15th 1990" I say and lean back in my seat and pinch the bridge of my nose and think, then it hits me I jump out of the chair "oh my god I can't believe I just realized this, Anna was born almost eczacklie 9 months after Dad died and Mom had came for the funeral in Cali, also she and Tig did hang out while she was there who knows what they did behind closed doors, Oh My Funckin God, now Jaxson now would be a good time to hand me your god damn phone!". "Okay Jo I get it that your pist off now, but I will not give you my phone but I will let you beat the shit out of him when we get back home." "Good idea, now come on we gotta go" I grab the paper run out of the office and grab a pair of keys "Anna come on we're going back to the cabin" I yell out to her I grab a pair of keys and head to the garage to the Gator and jump in, Jaxs gets in on the other side and Anna jumps into the back.

When we get back to the cabin, I turn and look at Anna "do you have anything that you want from here?" she shakes her head no. " Okay can you take this back to the main house while I get some stuff and pick you up from there." She nods her head yes and Jax and I get out and head into the house "Jax can you take my Photos of the wall along with the Shadow box" he nods his head yes. I go into my old bedroom and pull the suitcase from under the bed and put it on the bed then go over to the closet and pull out my uniforms and put them in there then take that and go into the living room to see Jax taking the last picture off the wall. I take the ones that he put on the table into the suitcase too. He hands me the last one I look at and smirk its a picture of me and one of my friends Sam Hanna, I wonder how he's doing. I zip up the suitcase and look around and start to head out of the house with Jax behind me, I put the suitcase in the trunk and get in the front I put the keys in the ignition and put it in gear, I look over at Jax "Time to go home?" "yes please" he says, with that I put it into first gear and head to the main house to pick up Anna and head out the main gate and heads toward California.

**A day later when they get back to Charming**

I pull up to my house with a passed out Anna in the back and Jax snoring away in the passenger seat. I get out and pop the trunk and start to carry everything inside which isn't much, my suitcase, and a couple boxes of Anna's stuff. Now for the hard part waking the two in the car. I go to Jax side and open the door and start to poke him in the face, he finally starts to wake up and glares at me "come on Jax get your ass out of the car" he grumbles something then gets out. I stick my head back in only to realize that while trying to wake up Jax that I also woke up Anna "Come on squirt get out and go to bed its already 9 at night, if you go inside and go straight down the hall is my room you can stay in there tonight, I gotta go do something will you be okay, you know what's in the trunk so you will be safe okay." she nods her head and goes inside I look over at Jax who looks awake now "are you going to beats Tigs ass now, cause if you are I wanna watch." he says. I give him a smirk "well get in the car then, hey what about your bike?" I ask him. He waves his hand " some of the guys went to go get it" Jax says I nod my head in understand ment and get in the car, I think of something and lean over and open the glove box for it, I grab them and pull them out and hang one over the rearview mirror and the other over my neck and into my shirt. "are those your dogtags Jo" Jax ask me I look over at him "The ones i'm wearing are of course mine the ones hanging are the guys I told you about." he nods his head and I pull out and head towards the club.

I pull into TM and see they're having a party and that Tig was in the ring perfect. When I stop the car people stop and look at the car. I pull the keys out and look over at Jax "Ready for me to beat his ass" I ask he nods his head "Hell yea lets do this" we get out and head for the ring even now the guys in the ring stop which is Tig and some other guy that I dont know. I pull Anna's birth certificate out of my back pocket and hand it to Jax "Keep that safe" he nods his head and walks over to Opie and Chibs while I jump into the ring. I point to the guy I don't know and put on my bitch face "dude get out I gotta settle something" he looks a bit frightened and gets out. I take off my flannel which leaves me in my black tank top, jeans and boots. I look over at Tig "Now Tig I learned something when I was back home that made me a little mad one is that my mom kept from me and two that you made it happen so I want to settle it" I say pointing a finger at his chest. "so you want to fight" he ask me "yes" I say. We get into position and start to circle each other.


"Dude what is she doing and won't she get hurt." Opie asked me. I shake my head no "Dude she might kill me if I say this but she was in the Navy for almost 10 years and its about this" I show him the paper "Well I would be mad to, but why didn't she tell us" he asked me "just what till you hear the full story and you will know why, but this is gonna be good." I tell him.


Tig finally throws the first punch, and I dodge it, I throw one back and hit him in the jaw It goes like this for a while till I let him pin me down on my back he gives me a smirk and I give him an evil one back and I flip him onto his stomach and take his right arm between his shoulder blade and pull it up till I hear a pop and he cries out but i don't let go till he finally taps out. I let go and stand up while he staggers up holding his shoulder "What the hell did I do to you and what did you do to my shoulder?" Tig asked me I go behind him and pop his shoulder back into place "now we can go into the office I need to talk to you, thats just became a habit after being in a dessert with a group of men for long periods of time." I walk over to the rope and jump down and over to Jax and he gives me the paper and I walk into the office and sit in the office chair with my feet up on the desk. I hear the door open and Tig ask "What the hell is going on Jocelyn". "Well it all started 18 years ago in January when my Mom came here did you two happen to hook while she was here cause almost nine months later my little sister popped out and do you wanna know who she looks like, she kinda looks like you Alexander and I also have this" I hand him the paper he looks at and pails. "Okay we hooked up but she never told me about this or I would of told you, wait a second she never told you" He says "No she did not and she was killed before she did" I say looking down "she was killed?" I look back at him "yep she was at a bank in San Antonio some guys came in and shot a lot of people up she was one of them, well thats what my commander told me at least" I say "what do you mean commander" tig ask me I pull my tags out from under my shirt and play with them and give a short laugh "I was in the Navy for almost 10 years a co-captain of one of the best seal teams there was till I was almost killed a couple times till the last one and they gave me a honorable discharge." I say with a shrug. Till I fully look up and see the top ranks of the club and Gemma standing there "You only told me about the last time" "you were in the navy" Gemma and Jax say at the same time. Oh shit didnt think about Gemma.


Okay I gotta say something so please read this. I kinda wanted this based in 2014 but be in season 2 so like the birthdates might be a wee bit confusing (I'm even confusing myself while writing this so just to warn you if you get confused.

BUT anyways I finally updadted I would of done it sooner but I had to go help my grandparents at there farm and they have no internet sooo I hope you like it.

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