The letter from Mathias

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Hetty was working in calendar hall with Gideon and Sheila. It had been a year since she had left the foundling hospital and thing where much happier then they were there. After getting matron into prison, Mrs Calender let her see Ida. She was happy but she was not 100% happy . The last couple of months Hetty was at the hospital she stated to have feeling for Mathias Everytime she saw him she had butterfly's in her tummy. She would love to tell him she liked him but he loved Harriet and Harriet loved him. Everytime Hetty saw them together her heart broke. She kept back the tears and kept her feeling to her self. That moment when Mathias told her he was going to go to New York she was almost in tears. She loved him. She found the ticket to New York matron was meant to have . She gave it to Mathias , she gave it to him because she loved him so much that she only want him to be happy even if that meant it made her sad. That was the last she saw of him and has not seen him since. It had been a year, she tried to get over it but it was no use she couldn't. All she hoped was that he was happy with Harriet.

Hetty was getting the normal mail for Mr Calender. She flicked through the envelopes to see who had got mail. The last letter she looked at it had her name on it . She was stunned she thought it was from Ida but then thought to herself that it was to scruffy to Ida's handwriting. She put it in her pocket and brought the mail to Mr Calender .

At the end of the day hetty was sitting in bed staring at the envolpe she didn't know what to do.
" Why do you have a letter" Sheila asked her.
" I was getting the mail today and checking who had got mail and one had my name on it " hetty told her.
" Well why don't you open in" Sheila asked .
Hetty opened the envolpe and read the letter out loud so Sheila could here:
Dear Hetty
It's me Mathias. I am all alone out here in New York and didn't know who else to turn to. I remember calender halls address because i saw it on some papers in matron office . You properly am thinking how I'm alone out here when I have Harriet well she was seeing a boy and was going on dates with him so I saved up and got a ticket for Southhampten I'm going to go to Mrs Smiths shelter when I get there I will be arriving in Southhampten on the 14th of June . On your day off I would love for you to come and see me as it might put a smile on my face as I have not smiles in a long time.
Your sincerely

Hetty and Mathias ❤️🦄❤️🦄❤️🦄❤️🦄Where stories live. Discover now