Falling for hetty

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Mathias POV'S
It has been a while since I came back to London and life is great. I get to see Hetty once a month and life is great. I can't imagine life without Hetty in it. She is funny sweet coragous pretty wait this is the way I felt towards Harriet wait do I like Hetty oh no.

Hetty POV'S
Today is the day I get to see Mathias I get two days off a month I get to see Ida and I get to see Mathias. I know I love my mum but I love Mathias and after what he has been through I need to be there for him and if that mean only seeing Ida once a month and Mathias once a month I am willing to do that. I still like Mathias actually scrap that I love Mathias and he is all I think about and I want to be with him. I know he still loves Harriet but I also have to face it he only likes me as a friend and that is all he will ever see me as sadly😔. Today is the day I visit Mathias and I am so happy. So much can happen in a month and I am looking forward to talking to him and I just am exsited to see his smile.

Mathias's POV'S
Today Hetty is coming to see me and I am so exsited I now a month goes fast but it is over 30 days and I can't stop thinking about her. So I think I like her and I am not going to tell her but I have to tell someone but I don't want to tell Jess and I even don't want to tell Gideon because he may hate me if i do tell him so I have to keep it a secret even though it is killing me. I am sitting talking to Jess when the carrige pulls up. Out comes Hetty. She has a big smile on her face. She has the nicest smile ever but then again I have to push the thoughts away. Hetty runs and hugs me and it is the best feeling I have felt. It is hard to not kiss her but it would be awkward so i am forcing myself not to.

Hettys POV'S
Mathias seems really happy to see me and I am really happy to see him and It is killing me not to kiss him but the it would be weird between us so I cant.
" I'm so glad to see you"I said
" I know so how have you been" Mathias asked.
" Life is great I saw Ida and she is doing well she works in the biggest house I have ever seen and I am so exsited to see her again but I was exsited to see you it feels like forever and I know it has only been a month but i was so exsited to see you".
"That is so great Hetty and I was so exsited to see you".
The there was a moment were we just locked eyes with eachother and we didn't keep our eyes off eachother.
" Hetty" I turn and see Jess.
" hi Jess how have you been" I ask.
" great me and Mathias wish that you could visit more it feels like forever".
" I know I wish I could see you two and Ida more often but the Calender only let me off for 2 afternoons a month but at least I get to see you like Sheila does not get any afternoon of only me and Gid do so we are lucky".
" Yeah you have a point you should ask the Calender to let Sheila off one afternoon to come visit us I know she was a snitch when I met her but it's not fair that she has to work every afternoon".
" I never really thought about it that way".
" well I now she hurt you Hetty trust me, back at the hospital all the boys would call her a snitch but I think she should have one night off".
" Mathias I should ask them that and see if she can come and see you next month with me".
Then Hetty's carrige pulls up.
" well I better get going" I hug Mathias and hug Jess and head to the carrige and I am sad but at least I get to talk to them. Maybe I should ask the calendars for Sheila to have the night off next month. And maybe I should tell Mathias I like him so much stuff is going through my head I don't know what to do.

783 words

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