Harriet is dead ?😟

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Hetty's POV
I was going to collect the daily mail I look through it like I would usually do and there was a letter for me. It was strange I only got a letter that one time Mathias wrote to me. I put it in my room and get on with my day
Time skip...
My and Sheila were sitting talking when I remember the letter.
" Sheila I got a letter today and I don't know who it is from".
"Another one feather how many do you have to get".
" I have only got one other before I wonder who it is from".
"Hetty it is called opening it".
I opened the letter and it read
Dear Hetty
It is me Harriet I would prefer to tell you this in person but I am in New York and my time is limited. I am going to tell you. I am dying I got a really bad illness and I have gone to the doctor an he said it is incurable by the time you get this letter I will be dead. Please tell Mathias I love him and tell him that he was the best thing that ever happened to me and that I am sorry for what I did Hetty if you see polly again tell her that she was the best friend I could ever have that goes for you too. Please let you and Mathias be happy together and tel him the only reason I did what I did was because I knew he liked you and that I wanted you two to be together. I am sorry and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me as you will never see me again and that I am happy that I met you all and I will miss you all
Your sincerely

I was in shock Harriet is dead and I never got to say goodbye. And Mathias likes me I can't believe it thing are looking up for me but it is bitter sweet like I am never going to see Harriet again I just hope that she is right about me and Mathias.

Authors note- dear Hetty and Mathias fans only or guys and isabell fans we have a problem a user person called HETTYFEATHER25629 is a person who will write in you comment boxs saying to write Harriet and Mathias fanfic don't do what she asks do the opposite and keep writing your story so watch you back I will stick up for you and get her to calm down your sincerely Hetty

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