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i got out my phone and called my mom.

"Hey mom"

"Y/n! Where are you?"

"I'm at a friends house, I needed some time to myself"

"How long are you staying?"

"About a month"

"Ok sweetie, be safe"

"I will mom, bye"

I hung up on her and sat down on the couch. The boys weren't downstairs, so I went upstairs to try and find one of them.  I saw tons of rooms. I knocked on the first one on the left.

"Come in" someone from behind the door said.

I opened the door and saw Harry on his bed with his face in his phone.

"Hey, are you gonna show me around?" I asked him.

"Sure" Harry said getting up and walked out the door. I followed him. He walked to the door across from his room.

"This is Niall's room, he will most likey not care if you go in there." He told me. He walked to the second door on the right.

"This is Liam's room, he won't care if you go in there as long as you don't trash" Harry said the walked straight across to another door.

"This is Louis' room, you can go in there as long as you don't eat his carrots" Harry explained.

"And the last one is Zayns room, I wouldn't go in there if I were you, he hates people going in there" Harry told me.

"And the your the room across from him" he said and walked back to his room. I opened the door to my room, it had a bathroom, and a queen size bed. I sat down, I looked at the time 6:00p.m. I was hungry so I went downstairs to find Niall cooking.

"What are you cooking" I asked him.

"Hambugers" he answered. I nodded and sat down. For the first time I got a good look at Niall. He was really cute. What no! I can't think that! Niall came over to me and handed me a plate. I thanked him and put a hamburger on it and everything I liked on it. I sat back down and Niall sat next to me.

I ate my burger and decided to bed. I walked upstairs and into my room. I got into bed and drifted into sleep.

I woke up to the sound of thunder. I hated thunder, it always scared me. The thunder rolled loudly. I nearly jumped out of my bed. When I'm scared I see things, like demons, no not real demons it's my imagination. There was one crawling towards me. I screamed, I needed to get one of the boys. I ran over to Zayns door and knocked on it. He opened the door a pissed off face, it looked like he just woke up. I hugged him tightly, I was shaking. I felt arms wrap around me, pulling me deeper into the hug. I buried my face in his chest. Still shacking like a maniac. Zayn pulled away and pulled me inside his room and closed the door.

"Care to tell me what's wrong?" He said.

"Um....I'm scared of thunder, and when I get scared I see things" i told him. He laughed and ran his hand through his hair.

"It's really nothing to be scared of, it's just a noise" he said.

"Well I can't help it" I told him.

"Well you can go back to sleep now" he said.

" I can't, because I'm scared." I explained. He sighed and he looked me in the eyes.

"Y/n, trust me, nothing is going to hurt you, I promise." He assured me. I nodded and went back to my room. I finally went to sleep.

I woke up and the sun was shining through the windows. I got out of bed and walked out the door. I was going to wake up the boys. I walked over to Zayns room and opened the door quietly. I jumped onto the bed and right on top of Zayn. He groaned and sat up rubbing his eyes. He was so cute. What! No you can't think like that. I'm being stupid.

"Y/n, why did you that, after I helped you last night" zayn said and i felt kinda guilty, so i sat beside him a hugged him. With my head on his shoulder. The I jumped up and ran to Louis' room.

"Louis I will eat your carrots!" I yelled. He immediately hoped out of bed and ran to his mini fridge. I laughed so hard I fell over.

"Y/n, you're mean" he said in a baby voice.

I ran to the bathroom filled a cup with water and ran to Niall's room. He was sound asleep. I poured all the water on to him. He shot up and fell out of his bed. i helped him up while laughing. I ran out and went to Liam's room. He was already awake, so I went Harry's room.

"There is a cat downstairs" I whispered in his ear.

"A cat!" He said running downstairs."there is no cat down here!"

I giggled and walked downstairs and sat on the couch. Four boys came downstairs,with smirks on their faces. They were all holding water guns. This can't be good.

"Guys it was just a little prank." I told them.

I ran upstairs and they ran after me. I ran into Liam's room and he was on his phone. He looked at me and gave me a questioning look.

"They are trying to shoot me with water guns, please help" you begged him. He nodded.

"Get in my closet" he said, I did what he told and sat there.

I heard Liam's door open.

"Is y/n in here?" I heard Louis ask.

"Yep, she's in my closet" Liam said, I could almost hear his smirk.

The boys opened the door and pointed the water guns at me. They fired the guns and soaked me with water. They laughed and went downstairs. I got up and glared at Liam. I walked over to him and gave him a wet hug.

"No, y/n I'm sorry" Liam said apologetically.

"It's ok, don't do it again Payno" I warned him.

I went to my room to change. I think I'm going to grow to like these boys. Maybe even love one of them. This month was gonna be fun.

A/n: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, so as usual you will end up being with one of the boys, so vote who you want.

Time for QOTD(question of the day)

Q: what is your favorite one direction album?

M/a: all of them

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