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 Today the boys and I were going to the beach, I was kind of nervous, I mean what if their crazy fans see me and attack us! That would be awful, but I'm going and having fun no mater what. I got in my swim suit and put a cover up over it. I headed downstairs, but I slipped and fell down. I hit my face at the bottom of the stairs.

"Ow, that hurt, a lot" A said to myself and got up rubbing my face. I turned around and saw all the boys staring at me, then they all started laughing their heads off.

"That was *chokes* awesome!" Louis said trying to catch a breath.

"No it wasn't it hurt" I said pretending to pout.

"Well, come on we gotta go" Harry said. We all headed outside and got into Louis' car. In about 20 minutes we got there. We all ran out of the car. There weren't many people there, thankfully. I ran out and set down a towel on the sand. Louis and Niall went into the water, Zayn, Harry and Liam were having a sand castle building contest. All of the sudden I had this weird feeling inside. I felt like I was being watched. I looked around and saw no one except some teenage girls with there faces in their phones. The feeling wouldn't go away, suddenly a chill went up my spine. Something wasn't right. I looked and the boys were doing there things. We needed to leave, now!

"Guys we need to leave." I shouted at them.

"What why?" Niall asked.

"Get the boys and I'll explain" I told him.All of the boys gathered around with confused looks on their faces.

"I feel like someone is watching me, and I just have a bad feeling about staying here." I told them.

"Oh, it's just your imagination" Liam said. I looked around a payed close attention to everything. Then I spotted a man in the bushes. Staring at me intently. I quickly looked away.

"Guys there is a man staring at me, and it's kind of creepy." I said

"Where?" Louis asked

"In the bushes, he looks very shady" I told them.

"Y'all I think she's right, right we need to leave" Harry said. They all nodded and we headed to the car. I turned around and saw the man get into his car. We drove down the road and the man followed.

"Guys he is following us" I exclaimed. Louis picked up the speed. My heart was pounding, I was so scared. Niall was next to me, he put his arm around me.

"It's gonna be ok" he assured me.

"Are you sure" I asked, he nodded.

We got to the house and locked all the doors. We saw the car pull up, a tall man came out, he had a gun in his pocket.

"Guys! He has a gun!" I whispered

"Oh god, well the cops are on their way" Harry said.

The man walked up to the door, and knocked. Everyone was silent. Then the door was swung open and the man came inside.

"Look, give me y/n and no one gets hurt" he said.

"How do you know my name" I questioned.

"Because I'm in love with you, I've been watching you for two years, TWO WHOLE YEARS, AND I FINALLY CAN GET YOU!!!!!" He yelled.

"NO, you will not take her" Liam yelled.

"Yeah we won't let you" Zayn added.

"Well let's see how you do against a gun" he said and pointed it at Liam.

"No!!! Don't hurt him please!" I begged.

"Then come with me" he said.

"No, she will never go with a psycho" Liam said.

"QUIET!" He said and shot him in the arm, Liam screamed in payne(see what I did there;D).

"Liam!" I yelled and ran over to him.

"I'm fine, don't go with him, please, there's no telling what he'll do to you" Liam begged.

"I can't let him hurt you" I told him.

The man grabbed me and pushed me behind him.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"My name is Jeffery, and you are my new wife!" He shouted evilly.

"I will never marry you, you monster" I said.

"Then your friends die" he said painting the gun at Niall.

"No, please, I'll marry you, just don't hurt them" I said sobbing.

"Finally you've come to your senses" he said and dragged you outside. Then police cars swarmed into the driveway.

"Ha, looks like your caught" I said smirking.

"God dam-"

"No swearing!" I yelled and the police came and handcuffed him.

"This won't be the last time we meet y/n, until next time" he said with an evil smile, an devilish look in his eye. I ran back inside and found Liam getting treated by a nurse. He looked at me and smiled.

"I'm so glad they got here just in time" he said.

" yeah, are you ok?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine, luckily it's not too serious" he said with a sigh. I have him a quick hug and went to find the other boys. They were all outside talking to the police. Niall turned around and saw me and engulfed me in a hug.

"I'm so glad you're ok" he said.

"Me too, I'm glad he didn't hurt you guys." I told him. Then I felt someone come behind me and hug me, then two more people joined in.

"GROUP HUG.......AGAIN!!!!" Louis shouted.

"I love you guys" I said laughing.

Jeffrey's POV 

I was so close! Those boys will pay. I will not let them take y/n away from me again. Soon my love, soon. I will make you mine and mine only. First I will escape, then I will take away something you love, and force you to marry me. Then I can live happily forever.

A/n: so an intense chapter I would have to say. Well I hoped you liked it, if you did vote, comment. Oh, and vote for who you want, again I got some votes from my friends so it is






Keep voting and maybe she will get with the guy you want.

QOTD: Do you like this book or my other book better?

M/a: I think I like this one, this one has lots of action, and I think I've grown as a writer and made my writing better in this one.

That's all thanks for reading, y'all are awesome, Emma is out, peace!

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