Should I stay, or should I go?

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 I woke up and Niall wasn't  there, I headed downstairs and all the were playing Fifa.

"Hey guys I'm gonna take a walk to the park" I told them

"Ok" they all said in sync, creepy.

I walked down the street and to the park. I decided to take a seat on a bench. I watched all the little kids play. I missed being a little kid, I remember not having a care in the world, not worrying about what others think, or how I looked, those were the days. Suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Calum.

"Fancy meeting you here" he said and sat next to me.

"Yeah, how are you doing, since yesterday?" I asked.

"Good, I needed some fresh air, the boys were fighting" he told me

"Oh, that sucks" I said

"Yeah, it's mostly about stupid stuff too" he explained.

I looked down at my watch, holy crap, I had been there for two hours.

"I'm so sorry, I gotta go, bye Calum" I said and ran off.

Mysterious persons POV:

There she is, the girl of my dreams, I don't even know her, but I've been watching her for two years now, I'm so close to making her mine. I need to get those boys out of the way first. I'll do whatever it takes.

Emma's POV:

I entered the house and the boys weren't there. I saw a note in the fridge.

Dear Emma,

The boys and I have gone to the store to buy some food, and a surprise! You are welcome to eat anything and go anywhere, except our rooms, thank you!            -Liam

Ok then, I went to the fridge and got some strawberries out. After I finished eating I went up to my room. I was very bored.

I heard a knock on the door. I went downstairs and looked out the peephole. There was a man in dark clothes standing there with a knife. I ran upstairs and rushed to the home phone. I dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"There is a man outside my house with a knife and he's trying to get in" I told them breathless

"Ok, calm down, the police will be there in a minute" she said and hung up

I decided to call Harry and tell him to be careful coming home.

"Hey Emma you ok"

" no, there's a guy with a knife trying to break in, don't come home, I don't want him hurting you" I told him

"What! We are on our way" he said and hung up.

OH no, what if the man hurts them. I heard glass break downstairs, I ran to my door and locked it. My heart was pounding in my chest. Suddenly I heard sirens going off. Then I saw flashing lights. I heard the door downstairs open. Then my door burst open, and the man with the knife came in, he slammed my door and made his way towards me.

"Help!" I screamed in terror.

My door swung open again and police came in and grabbed the man. They dragged him away. Then the boys came in and I ran into their arms.

"I was so scared" I told the, shaking.

"It's ok we're here now" Liam said.

The police took the man away and asked me some questions the  left us. I went up to my room and sat down on my bed and cried. Why did life have to be this hard. I know so many people have it worse, but it's too much. I can't do it. I just wanna go home, but at the same time I don't. These boys made my life so much more fun. I don't know what to do.

Just then Liam came in and sat beside me.

"Are you ok?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah, that was scary"

"I bet" he said and we sat in silence.

Then Liam wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. Then out of no where I started crying. He rubbed my back to comfort me.

"It's gonna be ok" he whispered.

I pulled away and nodded. I told him thank you and he left. I took a quick shower and got dressed, then went downstairs. I saw all the boys sitting on the couch. When I came in they all looked up.

"Y/n, we need to talk" Harry said.

"Ok?" I questioned.

"The boys and I have decided that you can go home, that dare was stupid, and foolish, we're sorry, you can take all the stuff we got you too,but if you want to stay, we will let you" he told me

I was shocked, I could go right now, or stay with these amazing boys. I'll admit, I miss all of my friends, but I think I would miss them even more, I've made up my mind.

"I've made my decision, I want to stay here with you. You guys are amazing, and so much fun, my life actually has some fun in it now" I told them.

"GROUP HUG!!!!!!" Louis shouted.

They all hugged me and we laughed. I think I made the right decision.

Mysterious person's POV:

Are you kidding, she's staying with them , those idiots, they are so immature and stupid. I will get her, and I will get my revenge on those five boys for stealing her from me, if it's the last thing I do!

A/N: I know I know, it's been sooooo long since I've updated this story, I'm so sorry, I've been busy with school and family issues. But here it is a new chapter, let's say it's a thanksgiving present, oh and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!! Even though it was yesterday. Love you guys hope you enjoy :)

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