Pink Nightmare

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Alice's POV

To Mikey D

You said you wanted to know my story. I wanted to date you for at least two months before I told you about my life and wishes. So here we are three months later and I still have told you anything. I will tell you my story kk ^_^. Its umm not pretty though.

I was born February 25th. There was a mix up in my moms pregnacy and she thought she was having a girl so she signed the birth certificate with everything being female. My name was Alice Mae Suza. The doctor was confused when he was checking me and told her. She was not happy nor was my father but my mother wanted a daughter so she told her idea to raise me as a girl to my dad he flipped and took me from her.

I spent four years with him. He was an alcoholic and had anger problems. He hit me a little and may have done other things. I truely dont know it is blocked out. He died in a car crash sadly. I was sent to my mother she resumed her idea and dressed me like a girl and taught me how to be proper.

My step father was crazy and a drug dealer. Some men he had over would pay to have my services. He sold me like meat at the age of 16 it was awful. I would cry at night. They tried to go farther. They tried but I would resist. I told my mom and she did not care. She simply said "We have to pay the bills. Be happy you can help" She'd smile and walk away. At 17 they busted her and her husband two days before my birthday. They sent me to this current home I am in. I like to look girly though. It may sound weird but I crossdress slometimes without makeup. i just wear a dress and feel umm pretty.

I am sorry if I said to much and its ok to be freaked out. I just wanted you to know my life oh and as for my one wish.

I want to join your polygemistic relationship. That is what I want because I ummm Might Like ummm you somewhat strongly soo message me back k.

I clicked send. " What if he doesnt like me I am ugly after all I hate me uhhhh I am alone I have to get used to it, he is gonna hate me."


Mikey D's POV

I read Alice's message it was sad. Kurt was with me and read it to. Kurt hung out with Alice a lot to. "I do not mind him being in the relationship. Ethan might though. What do you like about him Mikey?" He looked at me with an inquisitive look.

" Well he is cute he has platinum blonde hair and his cute two front teeth stick out a little. have you seen them they are soo adorable they are like omgs. He is so toned but not buff. He is not lacking in any department." I winked at Kurt. His hair was so pretty and it almost tainted his eyes but not quite. He smiled.

"Ok two to one vote Alice is in and he must wear purple tomorrow!" He looked serious. it was scary.

"Why?" I txted Alice that we were ok with him and that he was in the relationship.

"Its Ethan's favorite color. That could help us ok." He pulled the blankets up on us and pulled me close. He kissed me on the forehead. "Goodnight bae. I love you." I felt so warm hearing it and it felt so right.

"Goodnight Kurty," I kissed his lips and snuggled in, "I love you." The phone vibrated it said " KK ^_^ see you tomorrow I am on like cloud nine ahhhh!" The warmth I felt I was afraid to lose it I did not want to. I kind of had fear i shook and snuggled closer. Ethan noticed and started to talk to me.

" Its ok to have fear Mikey we all do. Do not try to hide. Do you want to hear my dark secret that no one knows?" He wiped away my tear.

"If you want to yes I would like to hear it." I snuggled in close to listen to his story.

"Ok here it is my father was not a great person at all. My mom thought he was at the time but he did things unspeakable things." A tear slipped down his face. "He raped me and my brother for 1 1/2 years in the basement. It began because we turned 16. He would threaten to kill us if we said anything. One week my mom went on a trip and he had a field week. It was horrible. I said I was going to tell. We could roam the house but all the doors were locked. I was determined to tell. It was a nightmare no one knew because our house has a lot of land around it unused.

I went to my dog Skippy he was outside. He was soo energetic and i loved. He was a brown Doberman. I went out and he was by his dog house. I taled to him and he never frowled or licked me. It was weird. He did nothing. I realized it. He was dead and it was horrifying. My father asked if I would tell now or would the hamster have to learn. I was terrified so I never told. I figured he would kill us easily or make his fun more fun. He told my mom the dog got sick and passed away. Me and my brother kept surviving then one day Ethan broke the chain and punched him hard i the privates. He unlocked me and took the keys we ran to the door. We unlocked it and got out and just ran. Our father chased but eventually he went into cardiac arrest. He died in the hospital that day.

Our mom saw our scars one day and was horrified she asked what they were from and we told her. She at first was horrified and felt complete guilt. The day he was buried she cursed his very breath and hated every fiber of his being. She still feels she should honor the dead though. She is such a beautifull woman. She then spent every second of her day caring for us." I was crying into his chest and sobbing. I rubbed his head, "Silly why are you crying. I am the one who is hurt." I just was sad for you. I started crying with him but we eventually stopped and fell asleep in eachothers embrace. I hoped I warmed him like he warmed me.



"You are one of my missing pieces. I think you can help fix me, Ethan, and Alice. We can help eachother and complete this puzzle that is life." He kissed me as we fell asleep in wachothers arms.


Why do those who endure hell become the best people, but those who have opportunities squander them?


question of the chapter


I just wanted to get alice out there. Do you like or nahh.

Three months have passed since the last chapter in the story we are in spring oooo the butterflies and love is in the air.

So tender though and it warms but brings forth my tears.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2014 ⏰

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