Chapter 1: First day

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(warnings at bottom)
-Cas POV-

My alarm rang repeatedly,
Today was my first day at Cain Colten high-school, well my first day teaching there. (As an English teacher.)

I am moderately excited. After spending 5 years in college, I finally get to be a teacher.

After I drag myself out of bed, I start to get ready. I brush my teeth, try- fail to control my messy hair, change my clothes, etc.

I arrive at Colten highschool 15 minutes early. Over the weekend, the principle, Bobby singer, had all the teachers come in and set up their classrooms.

I walked into my carefully decorated, minimalist classroom and set down my bag, staring at the empty seats.

I feel very jittery, I try to ignore it, opening up my bag and retrieving my laptop and schedule.

I quickly log into my laptop and stare down at the schedule.
First period: 10th grade, English
Second period: 9th grade, literature
Third period: 12th grade, poetry
Fourth period: lunch break
Fifth period: 9th grade, english
Sixth period: 11th grade, english
Seventh period: 10th grade, study hall

Seems easy enough.

At 7:45 students came pouring into my room.

When everyone sat down I cleared my throat grabbing everyone's attention. "Hello, everyone. My name is Mr. Novak and welcome to English." Jesus, that was bad. "I-" the door opened and a short boy came in, staring down at his feet. He was wearing a large maroon sweater and loose jeans, his back slung over one shoulder. "Sorry I'm late." He provides, looking down.

I nod, regardless of him not looking at me, "It's alright, you can sit wherever."

He didn't reply just sitting in the only open seat towards the back of the room.

"Ahem, I said I'm Mr. Novak, please call me that." I glance at the back of the class, the boy was still looking down, this time at his desk.

At the end of first period I started cleaning up my desk, to prepare for next period, when I hear a throat clear, I glance up, through my eyelashes to see the boy from earlier standing in front of me, shifting in place, looking down. "...yes?"

He looks up. I furrow my eyes rows, he has a black eye and split lip. "I..I'm just here to say sorry again for being late, some kids held me up." He says pushing his glasses up on his face.

"What happened?" I commanded, using my nearly discovered teacher voice.

The boy- who I have yet to learn the name of... dammit, I forgot attendance... -just smiled sarcastically at me, "Turns out people are still homophobic."

The boy sighed. "I gotta go, see ya teach," when the boy turned i quickly grabbed his arm, "wait-" he turned around, looking at my hand. "Sorry..." I clear my throat, releasing him. "What's your name?" He tilts his head, scanning my face. "Dean...but shouldn't you know the names of your students?" He says sarcastically.

"I forgot attendance this morning, it is my first day, cut me some slack... And Dean, if those kids bother you again, come to me."

Dean shook his head. "I've been going here since 6th grade, Novak. I don't need help." He looks down. "Adios, Teach." He through up a peace sign as he exited my class room.

°Dean POV°

After first period school seemed to drag on. At lunch, instead of going in the lunchroom, I went outside. I sat in the snow under a tree, I pulled out my torn up sketch book, it was torn up because apparently my dad thinks drawing isn't very manly.

My hand dragged on the page, lazily forming eyes. "Hey, faggot." I close my eyes, leaning my head back against the tree I'm sitting against. "Go away, Zach." I felt hands wrap around the collar of my shirt, dragging me up from the sitting position. "Zach, stop..." He laughed in my face, throwing me onto the ground. "Why? You gonna cry, faggot?" My hands clench by my side on the ground. "Awh, What's wrong? You're really gonna cry right now?" He laughed, bitterly.

"Shut the fuck up, you asshole!" I yell, coming to my feet.

"Oh! Fiesty! That's new!" Zach stepped forward, pushing my back into the tree. "But you really shouldn't talk back to me!" He raised his fist above my head, I closed my eyes waiting for impact but it never came. I opened my eyes to see Mr. Novak holding onto Zach's wrist. "What do you think you're doing?"

Novak pulled Zach off of me, and yanked him in the direction of the building. "Come on, Dean." I almost didn't listen, staying where the tree was, but alas I follow, gathering my sketch book and bookbag from the ground and following Mr. Novak.

When I got to his side he turned to me, "we are going to the office, and you're gonna tell me what happened."

I nodded for a second before realizing, "wait," I said quickly when he turned to walk to the office. "Will my parent?" Novak turned, facing me. "Probably...why?" I quickly shook my head. "You can't, I'm okay, Zach was just...kidding, you see?" I looked down. "Please, don't." If Dad knows I didn't stand up for myself he'll-  "Dean," Novak said cautiously. "Why not?" I looked down. "Just, don't please..."

Novak tilts his head "I don't think that's a good idea, Dean. I'm sorry." 

I shook my head, anxiety coursing through my stomach.

I followed Novak into the office, Zach hanging off his arm. I considered just making a run for it, but that would probably make it worse.

-Cas POV-

When we got into the office, I informed the receptionist- Meg- what happened and sat Zach down in one for those burgendy chairs and took Dean into the conference room.

"Tell me what happened, Dean." 

His big green eyes looked straight into mine through his glasses. "I was sitting outside, sketching, and that asshole-" he paused. "Sorry- that...guy, Zach, insulted me, I got upset, and the rest is history..."

I nod, he's clearly trying to make it not sound like a big deal.

"Dean, why didn't you want us to call your parent?"

I see his jaw tighten, his eyes dart to the door. "He- he would be angry."

I tilt my head, "Why would he be angry, Dean? You didn't do anything,"

Dean smiles sadly. "That's exactly why he will be angry."
Warnings for: bullying, referenced abuse, and homophobic slurs.

This is only going to be at least 10 chapters maybe more it depends on if I get the forgotten done soon

This is going to have slow updates but I'm gonna try to do one at least every other day probably won't but you get it

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