Chapter 4: Dean Winchester is REALLY gay™

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-Cas POV-

It wasn't concerning that I was worried about Dean. He's a student of mine. regardless of it only being my first day, I'm severely worried. I may be being overdramatic but his father is very intimidating.

All I know as of right now is- if Dean comes to school with a black eye (framing his pretty green eyes)  tomorrow, I know who did it.

I tried not to think about Dean until class started. Organizing and reorganizing my schedule and teaching plan for the day mutiple times, trying to keep my mind off of the short, green-eyed boy.

After a short 20 minutes of waiting for my first period class- Dean's class to come in, the tenth grade finally started piling into the class.

After 5 minutes of waiting for the last students to come in, Dean didn't show. I quickly did attendance and started the lesson.

About 15 minutes into Rambling on about the meaning of whatever Mark Twain poem the students I made read, Dean came in.

"Sorry I'm late, teach." Dean smirked, but his eyes told a different story.

His left eye had a blue and black ring around it, his lip had a cut on it and his face was swelled in some places.

Instead of calling him out in the middle of class I just nodded and let him go to his seat in the back. After he sits he sets his head in his desk and ignores my teaching.

At the end of first period I told Dean to stay back, he rolled his eyes and sat on one of the desks in the front.

After the last students exited the class I shut the door, walking towards the desk Dean was sitting in.

"What happened to your face Dean?" I tried to keep my voice as stable and calm as possible, in fear of scaring him,

"Listen, teac-" Dean started, his eyes narrowed.

"No, Dean. I want you to tell me." Using my teacher voice isn't as efficient as I had hoped, Dean just leans back in the chair, setting his arms on his desk.

"How is that any of you business?" Dean maintained eye contact, trying to intimidate me,

"Because I'm worried about you, the way your father responded to you being in the office yesterday, regardless of why you were in there, if you don't tell me I fear I'm gonna have to assume the worst and I might have to tell someone, Dean."

Dean's eyes widened, then his facade came up, blocking any emotion.

He just smirked and raised his eyebrows sarcastically. "I fell."

"How did you fall on somebody's hand? Don't lie to me, Dean." Dean once again rolled his eyes, sighing bitterly.

"I. Fell." He stood up, grabbing his backpack. "I'm gonna be late for second period, teach."

I decided to just leave Dean alone for know, I am planning to pull him aside last period to apologize. I would have liked for him to be honest with me but he doesn't know me, and I understand. If it is his father hurting him it could potentially embarrass him if that's what is happening.

At the end of the day I was again already exhausted for tomorrow

As soon as all the students exited (I stopped Dean who tried to flee) I sit Dean down in the same desk he was in earlier in the day.

"Dean, I apologize for being forward earlier, I just don't want one of my students to be getting hurt. If you need anything, really anything, feel free to come to me. I'll try not to pry anymore, but I can't promise anything... That's all I needed, Have a good evening, Dean."

There was a beat of silence, Dean momentarily stunned.

"Thanks... uh, Hope you have a good day, teach." Dean said as he exited the classroom.
-Dean POV-

Is it bad I actually believed Mr. Novak when he said if I needed anything to talk to him? I mean I know I can he is a teacher but he seemed so... Genuine. I probably won't say anything to him though. I don't know if I trust him... There's something about those blue eyes that just screams suspicious... Or beautiful but I don't remember I got distracted thinking about them. Wow okay, gay, Dean... Wait, why am I shocked? I came out like 2 years ago.

After I shook myself out of whatever bullshit thoughts those were I realized was late to get Sammy. Apparently I was walking very slowly and after Mr. Novak stopped me I was already gonna be at least 3 minutes late... Now he's been waiting for at least 7.

I rushed into the school when I got there, Sammy was standing by the door inside, hiding from the rain.

"Hiya, Sammy." He didn't looked amused, his floppy hair soaked against his head. "Why were you out in the rain?" Stupid question, Dean.

"I was waiting for you! You're 15 minutes late!" Huh

"Sorry... One of my teachers stopped me."

Sammy's face instantly dropped. "Did they ask about your face?"

I shook my head, pulling my backpack off my back and getting out a spare hoodie I had in it. "They did first period but I told him I fell... He just wanted to apologize for "prying."

I handed Sammy the jacket. "Now put that one, and pull the hood up, I don't want you sick!"

Sammy pulled the oversized, gray hoodie on, it covering his small hands. "One of these days the teachers aren't going to believe the "I fell" bull, Dean."

"He didn't believe it but I stuck with my story. I can't risk anything, Sammy, if they find out they could take you from dad and me..."

"I know, Dean. You just need to make a more believable story... Or make sure this teacher that's asking questions isn't gonna say anything."

Sammy really shouldn't be thinking this way, he's a fucking sixth grader. He shouldn't have to worry about this. I'm trying to make Sammy's life as good as possible but... It's hard to raise a child when you, yourself is a child.

"Mr. Novak isn't going to do anything."

Sam scoffed, turning his head away. "How do you know?"

"Sammy... I just do."

A/n: I'll add more destiel soon Its hard to incorporate bc my chapters aren't very long (ik I could make them longer but it's already so hard to write this much) and they're student teacher
Next chapter will be more just dean and cas

I'm gonna be update the forgotten sometime this week or after I catch this one up to 8

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