Chapter 18: Nerves

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-Cas POV-

The school week went by excruciatingly slow, Dean made it his life mission to tease me every. single. day. All week it's been light touches and dirty talk. Dean always waited until Sam got out of the car and went into the school to start telling how he touched himself thinking about me last night and he wished I was there,

Instead of going into the library like he usually did before class started, he goes into my room with me just to tease me,

"What has gotten into you?" I had asked as dean sucked another hickey into my collarbone.

"Hopefully you, soon." He'd answered simply.

Sometimes he'd even tease me in class, grabbing his own dick under the desk while making eye contact with me and scrunching up his face.

Dean can romantic when he wants to but lately, the only thing on his mind is sex, I tried to give him a hug the other day and he grabbed my ass and told me to keep it tight.

He keeps telling me how excited he is about Saturday, but I'm worried about how John will react if he catches dean leaving home... He keeps insisting it'll be okay and he can't wait for me to be inside of him.

It was Finally Friday, tomorrow Sam and Dean would be coming over. This morning was different... Dean went into the library instead of coming into my room like he had been earlier in the week. He was fairly quiet in the car, only greeting me and smiling shyly.

Dean was either nervous about losing his virginity or upset about something else.

I went to the library before first period started, it was almost silent, the only noise being the light sound of the air conditioner. I walked by the librarian's desk, smiling at her and walking toward the back where the desks were.

I walk over to the table Dean is at, his eyes are closed and he's leaning his face on his fist with his elbow on the table.

I cleared my throat, drawing his attention.

"Can you come to my classroom with me, Dean? I need to go over something with you," I say, glancing at the other students sitting around.

Dean blinks, nods, and stands up from the table, grabbing his bag and walking next to me.

Neither of us say anything until we reach my room. I open the door for dean before walking in behind him and closing the door,

"Whats wrong, baby?" I ask softly, tilting my head to look into his eyes.

Dean blushes a little before looking down at his feet.

"I understand if you're nervous, we don't have to... do it... tomorrow if you don't want to."

Dean looked up at me, "The thing is- I want to, Ya know? I've been teasing you all friggin week the should have been some indication that I want you but-" Dean paused, looking at the floor again, "I don't wanna be a slut, Cas. I don't wanna be a little slut who fucks their 25-year-old teacher in the tenth grade... I do love you I just think we should probably wait until I'm legal." He mournfully,

"I understand, Dean. Though I don't think it'll make you a slut... I think we should wait, as much as I don't want to.." I pause this time, "Wait..." I said in awe, "You love me?" Dean's eyes widened,

"I-I didn't say that.. I like you.. haha..." he laughed nervously, twisting his fingers together.

"Dean..." I smile at him, "I love you too,"

"You do?" He says, his mouth agape.

"Of course I do, I know we haven't been together long but there's something about you..." I trailed off,

There's a moment of silence before the bell signaling first period rings making Dean and I both jump.

A few students starting walking into the class seconds later, Dean going to his usual seat in the front of the class.

After everyone came in I began the lesson.


The rest of the school day was mainly spent worrying about Dean, If he wanted to wait until he was 18 we are gonna wait. I am worried Dean will impulsively change his mind and do something he regrets. I want him to be comfortable and enjoy his first time instead of rushing it because of teenage hormones.

"I'm conflicted," Dean says, breaking the silence. We're on our way to Sam's school to pick him up,

"About what, sweetheart?" I say sweetly.

"I wanna... make love to you but y'know... I don't know if I'm ready to take that step," He pauses, cutting me off when I open my mouth to talk, "I really really want to..."

"Dean, We don't have to... There's other stuff we can do. I don't want you to be uncomfortable." Dean nods, looking down at his hands,

"I'm sorry I'm such a pussy."

I shook my head, glancing over at Dean, "You're not. I'm fine with waiting, I'd wait forever if you needed me to..."

He looked over and smiled weakly at me, "Thanks, Cas." He said lovingly.

"Anytime, Sweetheart."

Dean hopped out of the car to go get Sam when we pulled up to the building,

He got back into the car minutes later with Sam. Sam was grinning and talking about how his day was and what games Gabriel and him are going to play tomorrow.

"Gabe told me to tell you Micheal said he can have as much ice cream as he wants tomorrow, Cas. Personally I don't believe him but you never know, " Sam says from the back, shrugging along with his words.

"I don't believe it either, Sam." I say, laughing. "Maybe we can go out for ice cream after dinner or something,"

Sams eyes lit up from the back seat, a smile crossing his small face. He nodded quickly, still smiling. "Can't wait!"


OH MY GOD I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been busy sorry this chapter is rly short it's currently 3 am and I figured ppl would wanna read it after waiting almost a month

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