Chapter 17: Plans

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-Cas POV-

The apartment is always so lonely, well... It didn't seem as lonely until after Dean spent the night. After dropping Sam and Dean off at school I usually come home to an empty apartment, Grab a beer, Turn on Brooklyn nine-nine or The office and sit on the couch until dinner. Sometimes I'll go somewhere to eat or even go visit Gabriel. After dinner, I grade papers, Shower, and then go to bed. 

Dean texts me once in a while to see how I'm doing. One time he asked me for nudes but I told him that's inappropriate... He responded, "Wanting to fuck your student is also inappropriate but that doesn't stop you does it  ;)." 

Dean is a very bright person. He's funny and smart, He's adorable when he wants to be, I just wish the circumstance we are in was different. When I think about it too much I feel terrible. Dean is only 16 and my student, but I really- Really like him... Maybe even love him...

How Crowley reacted to our relationship was questionable, I feel as though he should have put a stop to it, I'm glad he did not though. 

I feel so guilty about wanting dean, but I don't wanna give him up.

-Dean POV- 

I forgot to set my alarm. Sam- thankfully- woke up just as Cas pulled up to the house, he rushed into my room and woke me up. I quickly threw on a long sleeve green shirt and changed the basketball shorts that I wore to bed into a pair of gray jeans. We ran outside as soon as both of us had brushed our teeth and got into the car,

"I'm sorry, Cas! I forgot to turn my alarm on last night, Sam woke up like 7 minutes ago, and came into my room-" Cas lifted his hand to cut me off,

"It's alright, Dean. It's alright and it's not like we'd have been late either way."

I nod as Cas starts pulling out of the driveway. 

"How are your ribs, Dean?" Cas asks, keeping his eyes on the road. 

"They still hurt, not as bad as yesterday though. I can stand up straight and everything!" I said with semi-fake enthusiasm. 

Cas nods, starting up a new conversation. 

"So, I was thinking you two could come over again this weekend. Gabriel keeps begging Michael to come back over..." Cas pauses, chuckling nervously. "I mean- If you want to... if you're not busy." 

"Nah, We can come over... It's just last time... Dad wasn't too happy." 

Cas glanced sharply at me, "I told you to tell me when he hurts you, Dean." 

I flinch slightly at Cas' stern tone, "I know, I just didn't wanna trouble you, Cas." 

Cas looks over to me before quickly looking back at the road, "It's my job as your-" He makes eye contact with Sam in the mirror, "friend to take care of you, Dean. I don't care if you call me in the middle of the night and wake me up from a dead sleep, If you need help, I'll come when you call." 

I smile at Cas, looking down at my laps and twisting my fingers together, "Thank you, Cas... It means a lot." 

Cas smiles back at me when I look up,

"If Your father reacts the same way this time, call me... You don't have to come over if you don't think you can deal with it! I don't wanna make you have to go through that." 

'It'll be alright as long as we leave late and come back early."

"Alright..." He pauses, looking at Sam through the mirror, "Sam, are you excited about spending the night with Gabe again?" 

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