Chapter 20- Mine

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Alfredo's POV

"Hey Carter, it's me again leaving you a voice mail.. well yeah I'm sure you know that since you're.. checking.. you're voice mail.. well um yeah. I know I left without giving you answers, I feel bad about that but I'll be back soon baby, I just need to pick..something up. See you soon."

I sighed and hung up the phone after the third time trying to call her. I feel like she's mad at me. I told her that I needed to go back home because of some family emergency but the thing is, I'm a really bad liar. Especially with Carter, I cannot lie to that girl for the life of me.

She's been saying how much she misses her younger sister Cassie, and how much she wishes she were back at the mansion. So I took a jet to Arizona and decided it would be best if Cassie were there. The only person who knows about this is Justin since I needed his permission to bring another person in his huge house. I thanked the cab driver, handing him the cash I owed him and opened the car door. "I'll be right back." I said to him as I looked up at the house before me. So this is where Carter grew up. Of course she would have a basketball hoop in the front. I let out a light chuckle before closing the door behind me,and made my way to her front door.

I got her mom's number from her phone to make sure she was okay with all of this and surprisingly enough, she was fine with it. I guess Cassie really wanted to see Carter. I believe Cassie is 16. I hope she likes me. I mean as her sister's boyfriend.

I rang the doorbell and waited patiently. Once a middle aged women appeared I immediately recognized her as their mother from pictures Carter has showed me.

"Hello Maria!"

"Alfredo!" She engulfed me in a big hug. "It's so nice to meet you, Carter talks about you all the time." She looked at my face. "You're cute too."

"Haha thanks." Leading me into the house, she introduced me to her dad who seemed nice.

"Hello, Tino is it?" I stretched my hand out for him to take.

"Yeah, nice to meet you." He gave me a stern handshake and smiled.

"Cassie! Alfredo's here." Maria yelled.

"Coming!" I herd footsteps walking down the stairs along with what I bet was her suitcase alongside her. Once she made it down she gave me a grin. "I can't believe I'm going to Justin Bieber's house!" I chuckled. "I can't believe Carter is at Justin Bieber's house! But I wish we were going to Austin Mahone's house-"

"Cassie." Tino gave her a look.

She looked at me. "Oh sorry."

"No it's okay, Carter mentioned that you were a big Austin Mahone fan." I chuckled. "We should get going now though. Don't worry Mr and Miss Soto, she'll be safe with me."


Vanessa's POV

What just happened?

What did he mean by "you're mine"?

I walked over to the sound board and turned the very sexual song off. I could still feel a tingle on my lips. Is this normal? I've only ever kissed Jordan before.. What a jerk.

I sighed, knowing I just let Jordan drift to my mind when I vouched to forget him. I shook my head and walked out of the room.

Where did Justin go?

So many questions.

I walked into the living room and grinned when I saw Za's big smile.

"Alex, you made him smile!" I cooed. She giggled.

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