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James, Lily, Seb and Poppy had the twins distracted the whole day, the potions project was a big one and it wasn't due till the end of the month. When they finally did take them back to the common room, everything was ready. Cass flopped down on the sofa.

"My hand hurts." She groaned.

"Well let's go to the dorm then." Lily said. The party was in the girls room because it was tidier.

"Ugh fine." Cass stood up and followed lily and Poppy upstairs. Sirius stepped on the fist step and the stairs turned into a slide.

"Oh I forgot about that." Lily said. Poppy ran ahead to the dorm and came back shaking her head.

"They must've moved it to the boys room." She muttered to lily. Lily nodded.

"Okay, since they can't get to here, we'll go to there's."

"Seriously?" Cass said. They trudged back downstairs and up the boys dorms.

"Happy birthday twins!" Everyone yelled as Sirius opened the door. Cass jumped violently.
"You didn't forget!" Sirius grinned and hugged James.
"Course not, now come on. I want to give you your present."


Christmas came faster than Cass would have liked, the day before  the holidays her and Sirius received a letter from Walburga.

Cassiopeia and Sirius,
I expect to see you both at Kings Cross Station tomorrow afternoon. I will be waiting to collect the both of you and if you are not there, there will be consequences.
I better see you there,

Cass' hands shook as she handed the letter to Sirius. They were sitting at breakfast and McGonagall was coming round to see who was staying over the holidays.

"Mr Potter, Mr Lupin, Mr Pettigrew, are any of you staying over the holidays?" She asked.

"I am." Remus said.

"Me too." Peter said.

"I'm going home." James said.

"How about you Mr Black, Miss Black?" Cass looked from the letter to McGonagall to Sirius. She gulped.

"We're staying here." Sirius said, his voice shaking a little. McGonagall nodded and moved on.

"Sirius." Cass whispered.

"I know I know." Sirius put his head in his hands.

"What's wrong? Sad I'm not going to be here for Christmas?" James grinned. "Yeah, I'll miss you mate." Sirius gave him a small smile.

"Sirius?" A cool voice echoed through his brain. He spun around and saw Narcissa Black, calm and collected, standing in front of him. "Cassiopeia?" Cass spun around as well.

"Hello Narcissa." Sirius said. "Can I help you?"

"I was just wondering if I'd be seeing you at Christmas." Narcissa said.

"You won't be." Sirius said shortly. Narcissa raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." Sirius said firmly.

"Okay then, Merry Christmas." Narcissa turned on her heel and walked back to the Slytherin table. Cass picked up her bag and left the hall. Poppy walked towards the four boys.

"Are any of you staying her for the holidays?" She asked.

"I'm not, the rest of them are." James said.

"What about you guys?" Remus asked.

"Lily's going home, I'm staying, Marlene and Dorcas are going home and Alice is staying." Poppy said.

"What about Frank, Sebastian and Kingsley?" Peter asked.

"Ask them yourselves." Poppy nodded towards the three boys. "I'm only here to find out where Cass is."

"The library probably." Sirius said.

"I could have figured that much out for myself." Poppy said, flicking her hair and walking away. Sebastian, Frank and Kingsley came over.

"You guys staying?" Frank asked.

"We all are except James." Remus said. "What about you?"

"Frank and Kingsley are going home but I'm staying." Sebastian sighed.

"Well, we should probably get to  packing." Frank said.

"Or we could go sit in the common room?" Sirius suggested.

"Sorry mate, I need to pack." James said.

"Remus? Peter? Sebastian?"

"Sure." Remus said. Peter and Sebastian nodded.

"See you later." Remus said, following Sirius out of the hall.

"Bye." James murmured.


Cass stared out across the grounds of Hogwarts. She was standing on top of the Astronomy Tower, trying to clear her head.

"I thought I'd find you here." Cass jumped and turned around. Narcissa stood before her.

"N-Narcissa? What are you doing here?" Cass asked nervously.

"I've been watching you closely Cassiopeia." Narcissa said. Cass' eyebrows shot up. "Don't worry, it wasn't a choice."

"Please, enlighten me."

"Your mother asked my mother to tell me to keep and eye on you and make sure you weren't making too much of a stain on the family name." Narcissa paused and smiled slightly. "I did as I was told and watched your every move, I must admit you surprised me."

"How so?" Cass narrowed her eyes.

"You weren't nearly as difficult as I originally thought, Sirius however... Well let's just say he won't be getting as good as a report. Especially now that you two are staying here for Christmas."

"Narcissa, please. Don't say anything about him, you were asked to keep and eye on me, leave Sirius out of it."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because if you don't, I'll tell Lucius that you were caught in a broom cupboard with Ernest Nott." Cass snapped. Narcissa paled.

"How did you find out about that?" She hissed. Cass shrugged.

"So, do we have a deal?" Cass held out her hand. Narcissa hesitated.

"Your mother is going to want me to tell her something bad, what will I do then?"

"Make something up about me, say nothing about Sirius or I will tell everyone."   Narcissa nodded and shook Cass' hand.

"Goodbye Cassiopeia." Narcissa said, her high heels echoing as she walked away down the stone stairs.

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