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"Hogwarts letters." Cass said, chucking Sirius his as he sat down.

"Wonder who'll get head boy and head girl?" Sirius said, he yawned widely.

"It's very unattractive to yawn without covering your mouth." Cass said. Sirius rolled his eyes. Cass pushed a cup of tea towards him. "As for head girl, it'll be Lily and head boy will be Remus."

"I wouldn't expect anything less." Sirius said. "But then who'll be Gryffindors seventh year prefects?"

"You and James?" Cass joked. Sirius snorted.

"I'm sure." He said. "I hope James gets quidditch captain again, I want to thrash Slytherin."

"What are you going to do about chaser? Sebastians leaving." Cass said. Sirius shrugged.

"I'm not worried. Me and Frank are going to hit the other team out of the sky anyway." Sirius said.

"Frank and I." Cass corrected. "Grammar is important Sirius."

"Oh shut up." Sirius said. Cass grinned and opened her letter. She skimmed her equipment list, nothing particularly exciting. She frowned as something fell out of the envelope.

"What the..." She picked it up. A shiny silver badge with the letter P engraved sat in her palm.

"What've you got there Cass?" Sirius asked, looking up from his own letter.

"Erm- I think I might be a prefect." Cass said, still staring at the little badge.

"What?" Sirius said. "A prefect?"

"Yeah." Cass said. She handed him the badge and read the second letter.

Dear Miss Black,
It is with great pleasure that we ask you to take on the role as seventh year Gryffindor prefect. We hope you will treat the role with respect and behave accordingly.
Professor M. McGonagall
Head of Gryffindor House

"Ace!" Sirius said. "Well done!"

"Thanks." Cass said. "I wonder who the other one will be."

"Probably Frank." Sirius said.

"Is James back yet?" Cass asked.

"Oh he got back last night. He said we should come for dinner, kind of like a party. I think he's invited everyone." Sirius said.

"Everyone?" Cass said. "Whos everyone?"

"Well, us obviously. Remus, Peter, Dorcas, Marlene, Alice, Frank, and even Lily." Sirius said.

"Oh perfect, we can find out who got head boy and girl." Cass said, clapping her hands together.

"I'm telling you, it'll be Remus and Lily."


Potter Manor looked as welcoming as ever. Cass practically skipped up the path, knocking lightly on the door. Sirius had insisted on taking his motorbike to go and get Remus and then come to James' after. Cass assumed that he just wanted a snog.

"Cass, darling! It's been too long!" Euphemia wrapped her arms around Cass. "How are you?"

"I'm good Euphemia, and you?" Cass smiled.

"Oh I'm excellent, come in, come in. Peter is already here." Euphemia led her through to the kitchen. She had clearly been busy cooking because mountains of food were piled on the kitchen table. "You kids are eating outside. James has even convinced me to provide some firewhiskey. It's a celebration." She was beaming from ear to ear.

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