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"Another year over." Lily said, looking around at the dormitory sadly. "They fly by these days."

"You sound like a grandma when you talk like that." Cass said, rolling her eyes. "We still have a year left, it's not time to get sentimental yet."

"Yeah, but in a years time we'll be saying goodbye to this dorm for the last time." Lily said.

"I'll bet you ten galleons that you and James fall in love within that year." Cass smirked. Lily sighed exasperatedly.

"Fine, I'll see my ten galleons in a year." She said, shaking hands with Cass.

"We'll see Lilypad."

"Come on, we'll miss the carriages."


Cass slept for most of the train ride, resting her head on Noah's shoulder. Noah shook her gently awake as someone came to tell them they'd be arriving in ten minutes. Cass yawned, looking around the compartment. Lily, Grace and Alice were speaking animatedly about something and Emmeline, Dorcas and Marlene were playing exploding snap.

"You didn't have to stay." Cass murmured sleepily. "You could have gone to sit with your friends."

"I am sitting with my friends." Noah said. "I'd rather sit with you anyway."

"But I wasn't even awake." Cass said. "You must've been bored."

"I had a book to read." Noah said. "Don't worry love, there's no place I would rather be."

"Shut up you big sap." Cass said, rolling her eyes playfully. Noah grinned. The train pulled into Kings Cross station, shuddering to a halt. Cass went rigid as she looked out the window. Noah took her hand.

"Hey, it's okay." He whispered. "I'm here, they're not going to hurt you." Cass barely comprehended what he was saying. Her hands shook as she slipped her shrunken trunk into her pocket, keeping a firm grip on her wand. She nearly walked into Sirius, who was sprinting down the train towards her.

"It's okay, we're going home now." Sirius said. "Don't worry." Cass nodded, giving him a tight smile. Noah guided her onto the platform.

"I'll see you soon, okay?" He said. "It's a lot easier now that we can both apparate."

"Yeah." Cass said vaguely, her eyes darting around the platform. Noahs eyebrows furrowed with concern. He wrapped his arms tightly around Cass.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too." Cass said, smiling. She gave him a quick kiss before he hurried off to his parents. Sirius was waiting patiently for her.

"We're going to the flat to drop off our stuff and then Euphemia has invited us for tea." He said.

"Sounds good." Cass said.

"Do you want to apparate or shall I?" Sirius said. Cass froze, her wand falling to the floor with a clatter. Sirius picked it up quickly. "Cass? What's wrong?" He followed Cass' line of sight to where Walburga and Orion were standing. Walburga had her arms folded, a cruel smirk on her face. She fiddled with her wand as if she wanted nothing more than to use it on her daughter. Orion stood stiffly beside her, a cold sneer on his lips. Regulas stood behind them, looking bored. Sirius went to take Cass' hand but she flinched away.

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