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"Happy birthday pads." Remus whispered into Sirius' hair. Sirius smiled sleepily.

"Thanks Moony." He murmured. He stretched out against Remus. "Now, lets go back to sleep." He closed his eyes again. Remus nudged him.

"Unless you feel like explaining to James and Peter why we're sleeping together, I suggest that we don't do that." He said. Sirius gave him a suggestive wink. "Not like that." Remus groaned. "Get your head out of the gutter." Sirius winked at him again and buried his head deeper under the covers. Remus untangled himself from the duvet and got out of bed.

"No." Sirius moaned. "You were warm."

"Get out of bed Padfoot." Remus said, an anxious undertone in his voice. "Prongs isn't in his bed." Sirius shot out from under the covers and dived behind the curtains on his bed. James came out of the bathroom less than a minute later.

"Morning." He said, yawning. "Pads awake yet?"

"Doubt it." Remus said, snorting. James grinned.

"Oi! Sirius! Get your lazy arse out of bed!" He shouted. Sirius fell out of his bed with a small thud, glaring at James.

"That's not a nice way to wake up." He said. James just laughed and chucked him a parcel.

"Happy birthday mate." He said. Sirius grinned and ripped the parcel open. Inside was a broom servicing kit, a wand holster and a box of bertie botts.

"Thanks Jamsie." Sirius said, going over to give him a hug.

"Ah, is it that time already?" Peter said, sticking his head out of his curtains.

"Yes." Remus said, rolling his eyes. "Last as per usual mate." Peter shrugged and chucked Sirius a present. Sirius grinned at him as he unwrapped two packets of cigarettes and a box of chocolate frogs. Remus sighed and gave Peter an exasperated look. "We're trying to discourage his smoking habit."

"It's not going to work." Peter said, shrugging. "Besides, those are bewitched to smell nice so we don't have to deal with the intoxicating stench of his usual cigarettes."

"Genius." James laughed.

"Thanks a million Pete." Sirius said, giving him a hug. Remus reached into his trunk and chucked Sirius a small package. Sirius grinned at him as he caught it.

"It's nothing special." Remus said nonchalantly. Sirius opened the package carefully. A small photo album fell into his lap. He flicked through it, spotting photos he didn't even know had been taken. He paused on a snap of himself and Remus, curled up against each other on the sofa in the common room. James and Peter were snoozing in armchairs beside them. Sirius felt his eyes water and pushed the tears away, flinging himself at Remus. Remus caught him in his arms.

"I love it Moony. Thank you." Sirius said. Remus looked rather flustered.

"No problem." He muttered. James cleared his throat.

"We're going to head to breakfast, are you going to the hospital wing to see Cass?" He said.

"She said she should make it to breakfast, Madam Pomfrey said she's almost ready to go back to classes." Sirius said. He took Remus by the hand and dragged him down the stairs to the common room. He let out an involuntary squeal of surprise as Lily jumped on his back.

"Happy birthday you weirdo." She laughed. Sirius groaned.

"Real manly noise there Sirius." Marlene sniggered. Sirius flipped her off.

"Come on, I said to Cass that you and Remus would escort her to breakfast. I assume it's so she can quiz you on my and I quote 'secret love life.'" Lily scoffed. Sirius and Remus exchanged amused glances.

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