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"We are leaving in twelve minute Regulas. Fetch your useless sister." Orion said. Regulas nodded and hurried upstairs. Cass' door was wide open. She was sitting at the desk, head in her hands.

"Hey." Regulas said simply. Cass jumped so violently she almost fell off of the chair.

"Hi." She murmured. "Do they- do they want me?" She let out a shaky breath.

"We're leaving in ten minutes." Regulas said. Cass stared at him. "For Hogwarts? You know, the school we go to?" Cass instantly relaxed.

"I hadn't realised the holidays were over." She said.

"Are you packed?" Regulas said. Cass nodded, gesturing to the trunk beside the door. "Perfect, Kreacher!" The house elf appeared.

"Yes, master Regulas?" He bowed.

"Take mine and Cassiopeias trunks downstairs please." Regulas said, smiling kindly at the elf.

"Of course master Regulas." The elf bowed again and disappeared.

"Can you stand?" Regulas said. Cass got to her feet unsteadily. Regulas went to help her.

"I can manage." Cass said sharply.

"Get yourself down here you worthless girl!" Walburga screamed. Cass flinched. Regulas took her arm, ignoring her protests and took her downstairs. He let her walk the last flight of stairs alone, hurrying down them first. Cass fell down the last three steps, landing with a small thud on the floor. Orion yanked her up and Cass gasped in agony as she heard a pop from her shoulder. Her arm hung limply at her side. No one seemed to notice and they apparated to Platform 9 and 3/4. The pain in Cass shoulder intensified as she landed on it. She hissed in pain. Orion picked her up roughly.

"For heavens sake. If you don't stop falling over you'll be very sorry." He hissed. Cass didn't reply.

"Behave this year Cassiopeia. I mean it." Walburga said, the threat evident in her voice.

"I always do." Cass said quietly. "Somehow you are always misinformed." She felt Walburgas hand collide with her face, the stinging pain of a sharp slap coming over her. She regretted speaking instantly.

"Get on that train before I change my mind." Walburga snapped. Cass heaved her trunk in the direction of the train, gasping with pain. Regulas had disappeared, no surprise there.

"Cass?" Remus said from behind her. Cass stopped her trunk.

"Oh, Remus!" She cried, falling into his arms. Remus hugged her tightly.

"You told me nothing was happening." Remus said quietly.

"I lied." Cass sobbed. They were starting to attract some looks. "I didn't want you to try and come and get me." Remus whipped out his wand and Cass cowered away. He stared at her in bewilderment.

"I'm just going to shrink your trunk." He said gently. Cass nodded, silent tears pouring down her face. Remus shrunk his and Cass' trunks and slipped them into his pocket. He took Cass gently by the arm and guided her onto the train. They sat in the boys usual compartment and Remus let Cass cry into his jumper. He rubbed her back, murmuring soothing things. The compartment door opened and a laughing Sirius and James entered. Sirius saw her first and knelt down on the floor in front of her. James closed the door quietly.

"You said it was fine!" Sirius said. Cass didn't reply.

"Sirius, if you reach into my trunk you'll find a hefty bar of chocolate. Get it out please." Remus said calmly. Sirius looked surprised but passed Remus his chocolate. Remus sat Cass up gently and handed her a large chunk. "It's good for calming people down. Ideally I would give you a calming draught but I don't have one of them." Cass smiled at him gratefully. The train began moving.

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