scene 8: goodbyes & the kiss

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scene fade in: the famous mileven kiss and their moment before el kills the demogorgon (with some extra cutesy stuff)


Mike's POV

My lips are still tingling, my palms are sweaty, my stomach is in knots and my heart is fluttering. I don't know exactly why I kissed her, or how I managed to get up the nerve, but I'm glad I did. It was kind of awkward, stiff, and unsure, but I expected that. It wasn't going to be miraculously perfect the first time. I hope I can kiss her again sometime soon, and this time I won't be such a nervous mess.


The lights won't stop flickering, almost as if they're alive and know that such an unnatural, dangerous thing is just outside the door. My pulse is going almost as fast as they are. El is on the table in the science room, looking weak and hurt. I could feel the anger, fear, and worry inside me writhing like live snakes. Like they're fighting for dominance. Right now, worry is winning.

"El," I try to say reassuringly, but it comes out shaky. "El, it's okay. Don't worry. We're safe. You're safe. It's gonna be fine."

I take her hand in mine, hoping she can't feel the way it's trembling. "Mike," she whispers, smiling.

"El," I smile back.

She lifts her free hand, and I could see the tremors going on. She pokes my lip, then presses her own lips together. I realize she's thinking about the kiss.

"It's called a kiss, El. You kiss people you care about. Family, you kiss on the cheek, because kissing on the lips is weird," I try to explain.

She furrows her eyebrows, looking confused. "Weird," she echoes.

I nod. "Yeah, weird. But see, you kiss people on the lips when they're your boyfriend or your girlfriend."

"Girlfriend." She smiles.

I could feel my face heating up. "Yeah," I say nervously.

I watch as she struggles to get up and leans in, kissing me on the cheek softly.

My heart leaps in my chest.

Maybe everything will be alright, after all.


aaaaaaand that's a wrap! I'm sorry i took so long to finish this, I'm terrible. SEASON TWO IS LITERALLY OUT TOMORROW. anyway, i hope this was cutesy enough, i don't know how to do endings. see you soon for season 2 scenes!

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