Chapter 2: The First Signs

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While me and Tammy toke the rural road back to our house I spoke with her about the dog.
"What did you name him?" I asked and switched the puppies crate to my other arm that wasn't sore.

"I named him Chi you know like from the Japanese karate movies where there like, you must balance your chi to achieve total enlightenment" Tammy spoke in an old Japanese man's accent and put her hand together to bow.

I almost dropped the crate from laughing but when I regained my posture I told her
"That was culturally insensitive Tammy shame on you."
"Speaking of Chi where is he?" I wondered.
Tammy looked at her shoulders and on the ground then said
"Well he was on my shoulders a minute agooooo" Tammy arched her back as Chi came sliding out of her shirt and landing feet first on the wet asphalt.

I handed Tammy the cage while I picked Chi up and carried him for a little bit.
"Did you call ahead and set up the time pick up Chi or did you just wander in the store and buy the first puppy you saw?" Tammy questioned me.
"I called ahead thank you."

We only had one mile left until we reached our house and we needed to hurry because the sky was turning darker and more larger.
"Tammy we should run home it's going to rain soon" I informed her.
"Ok let's go."

We sprinted down the road to try and beat the rain.I held Chi in a tight grip and pushed him against my chest where he panted loudly.
I was running besides Tammy and we were in perfect speed when she suddenly tumbled to the ground.

"Oh shit Tammy!" I cursed and ran back to help her.
Tammy face planted into a puddle on the road and the crate had flipped on its side next to her.
I put Chi on the ground and helped Tammy to her feet and she immediately grabbed her knee and grinded her teeth.

"Are you ok babe?" I asked concerned.
"I'm going to live but what the hell is that?" Tammy pointed to the ground where she fell and I saw there was a small hole where the road had caved in.

I moved all the broken pieces of asphalt out of the way and found a old looking knife with a dirty wooden handle.The knife blade was trickled with dried blood and dirt it was then when I dropped the knife and turned toward Tammy.

"What?" She said confused.
"I'd recognize this knife anywhere.... it's the one Burton used to kill Conroy" I grimly told her.
"Are you sure how do you know it's not just a regular knife?"
"I know this knife Tammy I watched it cut open Conroy's throat, but how did it get here?"

"Let's not worry about right now we'll take it to the police tomorrow right now the clouds are sprinkling."
I put the knife in my jacket and Tammy picked up Chi who was meanwhile licking up puddles.
"Are you sure your ok?" I said to Tammy.
"No I took a pretty hard hit" Tammy hopped on one leg.

"Here I'll carry you" I picked up Tammy and carried her bridal style while she hung onto the crate with one hand and balanced Chi on her stomach with the other.

I walked for ten minutes down the road and then we finally reached our home.I set Tammy down against the wall and I unlocked the door.Tammy shuffled on inside with Chi and the crate while I closed and locked the door.

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