Chapter 12: Taking Charge

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During the ride in the car I kept looking over at Tammy to see her stare at the baby not knowing if it actually came from her.

"Sling was right" I broke the silence.
"About what?" Tammy said.
"About everything Tammy, the curse exists and it wouldn't have gotten so severe if only I had listened."

"I agree with you Flare this is just getting out of control....I mean we have a fucking baby boy!" Tammy cried.
"It's not our son Tammy!" I yelled.
"How could you say that?"
"I've been through enough shit to know when I'm being tricked and this so called baby is nothing more than a trap."

I peeled the cloth off the swaddled baby and Tammy screamed when she saw an eyeless corpse of a child.
"What the fuck!" Tammy dropped the child on the floor and started to panic.
"Calm down Tammy and listen to me" I grabbed her hands.

"At the hospital you and me both saw a alive baby that wiggled in your arms but now it's turned out to be a corpse do you know what that means?"
"The morphine bags weren't pumping morphine into ours veins they were administering LSD into our bodies that's why the baby looked real."

"Are you saying the hospital was trying to trick us into taking the corpse home but why?"
"Because the baby's a bomb."
"Holy shit we need to get it out of the car!"
"We can't, the officer is following us and he's part of their plan I bet you he has the detonation device."

"Are you sure the baby's a bomb?"
"Open it's head."
Tammy pushed he thumbs into the baby's soft skull and tore the head open and saw a metal device with a red light flickering on it.
"Fuck your right!"

"We're not going home Tammy that's where it'll detonate we need to shake him off or something" I said determined.
"I know how we could get him away from us but I need to get into the trunk" Tammy told me.
"What's in the trunk?" I asked.
"I keep a rifle in the trunk in case of emergency."

"Shit how can we get out of the car without him blowing us up?"I gripped the wheel tighter.
"Throw the corpse out the window?" Tammy suggested.
"He'll see it coming" I told her.

Tammy furrowed her brown in frustration and looked ahead at the road.
"Flare, the pothole that I tripped over is coming up maybe it's large enough to stop a car tire?"
"It's all we got maybe it'll work."

I drove around the pothole and looked in my side mirror to see the officers front tire get wedged inside the pothole and he was stuck.

I pumped my fist in victory and told Tammy to threw the baby corpse in the woods and go get her gun.
Tammy acted fastly and threw the corpse as far as she could then she snuck to the lid of the trunk and opened it.

The officer saw Tammy and me get out of the car and he lifted up a detonator.
Tanmy grabbed the gun and dove behind the car with me as the officer pressed the button.

The forest turned red and flames erupted from the trees.A loud booming sound flew throughout the trees and a powerful gust of wind tossed the trees out of it's way.

A rouge tree trunk tumbled on top of the officers car and he escaped out of the door.The officer cursed realizing his plans were foiled then the withdrew a pistol from his holster.

"Get inside the car so you'll safe" I told Tammy and she crawled in the backseat.
I aimed the rifle at the officers head but I didn't need to attack because the officer turned the gun on himself before saying to me
"You can't outrun the curse....we all tried."

The officer shot himself in the head and I turned away.After I heard the sound of a gunshot I got inside the car with Tammy and turned on the ignition.

"What happened?" Asked Tammy.
"The officer shot himself and said that you can't escape the curse, good damnit I knew it!"
"Knew what?"
"The whole town is involved with this Farthing shit we need to go back to the original spot where the town rested."
"What will we find there?"
"We'll find Nash, Dalton, and maybe a solution to the curse."

I put my foot down as hard as I could on the pedal and the car surged forward.

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