Chapter 5: Damn Ice Cream

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I was greeted by the cold inside the Jam Room, which I guess is a good thing because moments ago I was sweating profusely, waiting for the honor's sec to finish, but inside here, geez, my feet were starting to freeze. 

But that was technically alright, I mean, who was I to complain? Besides, I loved the Jam Room, just loved it, so why complain?

Marie entered first before us, her eyes gleaming with excitement, she even practically jumped up and down like a kid in for a candy treat, geez, what did she eat for breakfast anyway? I wonder, chocolates? Because seriously, she was hyper, and I mean very hyper.

"Oh my gosh!" She squealed in delight.  "This is my dream! To finally get my voice recorded!"

Geez, that took my whole effort to not shudder.

"Is this microphone auto tuned? Hah? Is it, is it?" Marie suddenly asked, her face glued to it.

I just shrugged my shoulders.  "You ask sir," I replied nonchalantly, sure I was excited too, but why do I have a feeling that she's gonna practically eat up the mike with all of her uncontained excitement?

But since sir PJ wasn't here, she bothered all of us with the microphone questions, she turned to Annie and rattled about Justin Bieber and his voice-and as to how he ended up in this conversation, I don't know, but it seems like Justin Blabbermouth, was now her topic of discussion, and then she kept talking about all the Hollywood stars that we've ever known and ever heard sang through auto tuned devices, to make their voices sound better.   And seriously, it just goes and on and on...

Well, I guess that sums up the reason why we all had to shut up and let Marie do the talking.

I looked around the Jam Room, forgetting that Marie was talking, letting my thoughts drown her voice, since it seemed pointless to listen to her.   The Jam Room, as I've noticed, looked a little different, now it had added equipment, one was a microphone with it's stand, but now it had this oval thingy in front of it, it was color black and had a net like structure to it. 

I was well aware that this mike was very sensitive, since this was the kind of microphone artists use nowadays for their recordings too.  And there were headphones scattered everywhere, I wonder what those things are for? Not to mention, the window to the other room was now clearer than ever, because as long as my memory could remember, that window always looked so pitchblack you could actually use that as a mirror, but now, it's color was gray, making it technically easy for our eyes to be able to access the looks inside the other room.

Sir PJ went inside, took off his shoes and walked into the Jam Room with his white socks on. 

Oh yeah, this was one of the rules when entering the Jam Room, no shoes allowed inside, so it really explains why everyone of us were either barefooted, or with our socks on.

I laughed when I saw Woo Jin take off his shoes.  His colorful socks were filled with characters from an anime series, and these characters were fat and their lips were thick, one time, to probably amuse the band, since we suddenly went quiet, he put those two lips together and made smacking sounds.  I watched him and laughed, I liked looking at him when he smiled. 

What?! No, I do not.  I never ever did like watching him when he smiles! I never did in my entire damned life!

Sir PJ greeted us, in his most solemn tone, which he always does and that I guess that in turn distracted me from my thoughts.

"Sir," Marie asked carefully, now displaying curiosity beyond reason.  Looks like I found my next cellmate in the mental hospital.  "Is this microphone auto tuned?"

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