Ice Cream Has The Ability To Bring All Together

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Cancer's POV

My mom took up a new hobby. Not like sewing or painting. She chose to start fostering children, so she would always have company.

Currently, I have two little sisters, Vamari and Hera. Vamari is nine and Hera is four. Sometimes we get funny looks in stores, mainly because of the two not looking like the Jewish white people me and my mom are. My pale skin and dark hair is drastically different than my Latina and black sisters.

Mom had us go pick up some groceries from the store. I still never learned how to drive. Virgo offered to teach me multiple times, but everywhere I needed to go was walking or biking distance.

After we chained our bikes down to the bike rail outside, we grabbed a buggie and began shopping.

"Alright what's the first thing on the list?" I asked.

"Ice cream and sprinkles!" Hera cheered.

"I'm pretty sure that that's not on the list, mainly because you're just learning how to read."

"No, put can we get some though?"

"If you manage to sneak it in the buggie, we can get it."

I picked up the toddler and placed her in the child seat of the buggie.

"Okay. We need celery, strawberries, carrots, and potatoes from produce."

"And ice cream!" the toddler exclaimed.

"No Hera."

"Virgo would buy us ice cream," Vamari grumbled.

"But I'm not Virgo."

"Yea, because Virgo's nice."

"Ugh, we'll get ice cream before we leave I guess."

"Can we get ice cream now?"

"Yeah! Can we get ice cream now?!"

"If we get ice cream now, will you two sit still."

The two little girls nodded furiously. I sigh at how easily I gave in this time. I pushed the buggie over to the ice cream freezer and retrieved two Klondike bars. I give the freezer attendant the cash and go to get the items we actually needed from the grocery store.

I watched as Hera got chocolate and ice cream all over her new shirt. I make a mental note to wash it before mom gets home. I didn't want her to fuss at the toddler.

"Thank you, Cancie!"

"No problem."

Vamari and Hera were difficult sometimes, but being rewarded with their wide smiles was worth it.

Taurus's POV

"How do you think this looks?" I held up the black lacy dress.

"Slutty," Virgo remarked.

"Hey! I think it looks nice."

"You asked for my opinion."

"You're right. I should never ask again."

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