Fortnite Photography of Foriegn Sparkling Water

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Gemini's POV

"You suck at mini golf," I teased Aries, waving a nacho in his face.

"Eh, I let you win."

"Sure you did."

"Did you have fun beating me?"

"That's probably the most fun I've had in a while."


"Yea, the graduate life hasn't been treating me well."

"What's been going on?"

"Nothing and that's the problem. I've just been babysitting my bratty twin brothers."

"Castor and Pollux can't be that bad."

"They're eight year old boys. Of course they're that bad."

"Just let them play Fortnite. That'll calm them down."

"Boys need to eat too."

"Bagel bites and Mt. Dew. Eight year olds can take care of themselves after you find food and entertainment."

"That's some good advice, but I'm more curious about what you've been up to."

"Me and Scorp have just been screwing around. Getting high and obliterating eight year olds at Fortnite."

"Anything else?"

"Well, I got accepted into the Maridale's Institute of the Arts."

"That's great."

"Yea, the photography program is really nice."

"So you're still into photography?"

"Of course. It's a difficult career path though. Who needs a photographer when everyone has a good smartphone camera?"

"You can do photography at weddings. Plus I'm pretty sure there's so much more things you can do."

"Like what?"

"You know who Brandon Woelfel is?"

"Of course. I love his work."

"Both of you do beautiful work. People pay him for pictures and you can do the same."

"I highly doubt our work is on the same level."

"Don't doubt it. I said so, so it's true."


"No buts."

He took a sip of his root beer float then cracked a smile. "Alright, I'll take your advice."


"You know..."



"No tell me."

"Nah, it's all mushy."

"I like mushy." I brushed some guac off the side of his mouth before licking it off my finger. His face went hot from my actions making me feel accomplished. "So said what you need to."

"I really like you, Gemini," he chuckled.

It was then my turn to be flustered.

Leo's POV

Sagittarius practically hauled my ass over to Beachy Palms, Julio's renowned hair salon. I tackled Julio with hugs and kisses as soon as we walked through the glass doors.


"Leonicia, my darling."

"You look great."

"You look fantastic yourself, except_"

"Except for what?"

"Darling let me finish, except your hair. You look more blonde than pink."

"I know. It looks so drab."

"I know and you're here so I can work my magic and fix it."

"What the fuck is this?" Sagittarius belched.

"Sparkling water?"

"Can we get some of that on the way home?"

"Sure." I sat down and let Julio get to work with my hair.

"Your girlfriend gave me a hair color, but I think we should do something else."

"What color did she want to do?"

"It's supposed to be a surprise!" Sagittarius cried from across the salon.

"I'm thinking red."

"She doesn't like red. She doesn't want a natural hair color, so stick to the color I told you."

"Sag, go sit down," I sighed, slightly embarrassed by her erratic behavior. She complied and started eating every hors d'oeuvre that came her way.

I love her and everything, but she doesn't mesh well with my kind of people.

After an hour or two, Julio finished up my hair and spun me around to see myself in the mirror.


It's the opposite of pink (don't quote me on that).

"I love it, Sag."

"I knew you would."

Cancer's POV

I went through at least half the bottle of ointment on Virgo's burnt and already peeling skin. We were now sitting on the couch in the living room watching a documentary on something to do with space. I wasn't really paying attention. Virgo's the one who wants to learn over summer break.

"I'm gonna go to go make almond butter and jelly sandwiches," I told my boyfriend as I got up from the couch. I was met in the kitchen by Capricorn with serious bags under his eyes as he was waiting for his coffee to finish brewing. "Hey Cap."

"Oh hey Scorpio."

"I'm Cancer."

"You sure?"

"I'm positive. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I just went three days without sleep. I just need this coffee and I'll be alright."

"No, I think you need some sleep."

"I don't want any soup."

"Go to sleep Cap." I added more emphasis on the word to get it across in his dazed mind.

"Let me finish my paper first."

"No. Go to sleep."

"But my paper..."

"What would Taurus think?"

"She's mad at me right now." This wasn't a new occurrence exactly. It seemed like Taurus was mad at Cap every other day.


"She said I wasn't giving her attention which is stupid. She's acting like we need to be attached at the hip. She's just being clingy, ya know."

"I'm pretty sure that she's not clingy. When you're in a relationship, you need to pay attention to your partner. No one wants to be blatantly ignored."

"Yea, but_"

"Go to sleep, Capricorn."

Why does Virgo watch so many documentaries?

Will Gemini and Aries end up together?

Can Capricorn pay more attention to Taurus?

And is Sagittarius embarrassing to Leo?

The answers may be revealed on the next chapters of Zodiac Summer!

"Anyway, until next time, stay classy"♌️

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