Gender Changed

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Voices shout to the bluenette before he fell unconcious.

Kuroko's POV

'ngh...' I slowly open my eyes, 'Did I just fell sleep...?' I look around, 'where am I..?'

'I feel weird...' I stand up from the bed and walk around,

I lost my balance and trip, almost fell down if its not for Kagami-kun's help, "Kuroko?"

"Kagami-kun...?" I look at his face, 'Why is he taller than before?' I stand up properly,

"Tetsu-kun!!" Momoi barge into the room and saw me and Kagami-kun,


"Yes, Momoi-san?"



"EHHH?!?!" Kagami and Momoi scream.

"You both are too loud, you'll disturb the neighbours Kagami-kun, Momoi-san."

"Kuroko?! You're Kuroko?!?! Since when did you become a girl?!?!" Kagami freak out.

"?" I tilt my head to the side, "What are you talking about Kagami-kun? Last time I check I'm a bo--.." I look down and saw my chest..... "EH."

"T.. Tetsu..-kun.... is a girl.... a girl.... I like the same gender....?!" Momoi is in emo corner,

"Oi Kuroko!! How did you change your gender?!" Kagami demand an answer,

"Eh.. I don't know....?" I rooted to the ground, 'Why.. How....'

"Don't tell me... Oi Momoi!!" Momoi flinched, "What did you put inside the food you gave?!"


"Don't 'Eh' me! Kuroko fainted because of your food and he turned into a freaking female!!"

"I swear I didn't put anything Kagami!!!"

"G.. guys..."

"Oh really, then explain why did Kuroko fainted then?!

"P.. probably because of the deliciousness..?"

"G.. Guys..."


"NO I DON'T!!"


The two stop bickered when they felt a murderous aura surrounds me,


"K.. kuroko???!"

"T.. Tetsu-kun...?!"

The two paled, well of course since this is the first time Kuroko shows such a scary expression other than his deadpanned face.

"It seems that I turned into.. a female.... thanks to Momoi-san's food..." I calm myself and look at Momoi who fidget,

"I'm... sorry?" Momoi said nervously,

"Sorry doesn't make up for it, baka!" Kagami said,

"You're the baka, Bakagami!" retort Momoi,

Vein mark appeared, "Shut up. How do I change back." Kuroko snapped,

'Is he... on his period?' Kagami and Momoi thought,

"We don't know.." Kuroko sighed.

This is going to be a long day...

Female Kuroko Tetsuya (Kuroko no Basuke)Where stories live. Discover now