EXTRA: Clothes

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((An extra fanfic to apologize for me being missing for about a week or more. I had school okay. Exams are killing me. And its over. PARTY.))

A story about that day when Kuroko transform into a girl.

~ Momoi and Kuroko ~

"Nee, Tetsu-chan, which one do you like~~?" Momoi say while showing her enormous amount of clothes. One should wonder how could all of them fit in her wardrobe.


"I know~! How about this one~?" Momoi say happily while showing the blue gothic loli dress,

'Where did Momoi-san bought this from..?'

"No.. I think it would be hard to walk around with.. those.." Kuroko say while pointing to the frills,

"Really? Then.. How about this one~?" Momoi say while showing Kuroko another clothes, this time blue party dress,

"Um.. We're not going to those fancy party.. aren't we?" Kuroko say while eyeing Momoi with suspicious,

"We aren't?" Momoi make an 'O' face, "AH~ Right~~~"

Kuroko facepalm,

"Then how about--" Before Momoi suggest weird clothes for Kuroko to wear, Kuroko interrupt her,

"Why don't I wear the casual one? Like what you're wearing now.. not the skirt. I want pants." I say with deadpanned face,

"Hm.. then how this~?" Momoi say while showing a normal looking clothes with 'basuke' written on it,

"This should do-..", 'Wait.. that shirt seems.. wron-',

"Then~!!!" Momoi proceed to take off Kuroko's clothes and wear the choicen one, Kuroko put up a struggle when realizing that its not a normal clothes as he wanted it to be,

"I shall do you hair too, geez Tetsu-chan, your bed hair is still as bad as ever even when you turn into a girl~!" Momoi say happily,

'Please don't talk. It hurts.' Kuroko feel like crying about the true facts,

"DONE~!" Momoi say happily, I feel something is put above my ears,

Momoi pushes me outside before I see the results, my face is face-to-face with Kagami,


Momoi began to spit compliment about her work being done good job and how Kuroko is so cute,

A red liquid escape Kagami's nose, "Kagami-kun.."

Kagami ran down the stairs, and a door is heard being slam open and close,

'What just.. happened..'

Female Kuroko Tetsuya (Kuroko no Basuke)Where stories live. Discover now