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Kuroko's POV

'Again.. why me..?' I sigh in defeat as people began dressing me,

"You have a slim body~!" Says someone,

'Is that suppossed to be a compliment?'

"Do you have a boyfriend already~?"

'Even thou my appearance is a girl, I'm a boy in the inside.'

"Your hair is so silky~ Beautiful~"

'... I'll accept this one'

"There~ all done~ You look like a doll~~" Squeal the dresser,

"Um.. Thank you." 'No thanks.'

"You don't need to do make up, your natural face is already beautiful~"

"I see." 'Thank God.'

I am currently wearing the trending clothes, A shirt with black-gray colour, which shows my belly, I blushed, left shoulder is exposed, a skirt of red with white stripped colour, and black stocking. And yes, I'm wearing a black high-heeled.

The dresser guide me to the photo-room where everyone is presence at.

.. Where everyone is there..

I gulped.

Just before I run away, A hand hold mine's, I look to the person, "You look very stunning, Tetsuya." He smirks.

"Akashi-kun.." I blushes as I stare into his eyes, he guide me to the rest,

"Ah~ Kuroko-cchi~~ --" I release a murderous aura when Kise called my name, 'Because of him.. Kise...'

"EKK--- I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG, KUROKO-CCH--!!" Kise cry a crocodile tears,

"Kuroko.." Started Midorima,

"You.." Aomine,

"Look.." Kagami,

"Very.." Momoi,

"Tasty." Murasakibara.

"Eh.." Midorima, Aomine, Kagami and Momoi sweatdropped, 'Something with the last comment seems very wrong.

"Ah, Everyone is ready I see~~" Kise's manager says as he walk towards us, "I don't know how your modelling skills is, so lets take a practice shoot, Kuroko and Kise first~"

"WHY?" Everyone disagree, sans Akashi and Kise.

"The newbie should be patnered with the professional so that she could learn fast~" Kise is beaming with happiness,

"Kuroko-cchi~~~" I glare at him, Kise step back, "U.. uh.. I'm sorry!!" He came hugging me from the front, "I never knew Kuroko-cchi hate modelling with me..! I .. I.." Kise is now in the verge of tears,

I sigh in defeat and pat his head, "Its fine, Kise-kun. What's done is done." I smile a lil to him.

Everyone presence froze, first time seeing me smile.

Kise beamed up, "YAY~~" and continues to hug the life out of me.

Everyone is burning with jealousy,

The photo shoot came up fine.. if you ignore the fact that Akashi is plotting Kise's death.

Female Kuroko Tetsuya (Kuroko no Basuke)Where stories live. Discover now