Tanned Bluenette

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'Ah.. this is the worst... why me..' Kuroko is being surrounded by... his fans.

"What's your name~?"

"Kawaii~ Do you want to go and grab a drink with me?"

"Hey, hey, are you alone~?"

As you can see, both male and female.. scratch that. Even kids and elderly are bombarding Kuroko with questions and squealling, saying that he looks like a doll or something...


After Kagami's intense nosebleed, Kagami and Kuroko are being dragged by Momoi to do some.. 'shopping'. Just after they took a step outside the train, people began swarming them... Which leads both Kagami and Momoi being pushed away from Kuroko.


'What happened to my low presence..' I thought to myself as I kept my deadpanned face.

'Kagami-kun.. Momoi-san.. Where are yo-'

Someone grab my hand and pull me away from the fans. We run till we lose them, and somehow ended up in the park.

I look at my savior, wanted to thanked the said person but my eyes widen when I saw a familiar face.. 'Ao.. mine-kun..?' I froze.

"You alright? You seems troubled back there so I thought that I'd help you." His left hand is behind his head.


"Ah! My.. friend.. has the same expression as yours so I can tell by your deadpanned face that you're troubled by them surrounding you so I know.." Aomine-kun said,

'Why the pause... and should I be happy that he didn't recognised me or... sad..' I thought to myself as I recalled the last of our fist-bumb.

"You alright..?"

"I'm fine, thank you." I look at him, nods.

"Oh, right.. My name is Aomine Daiki! Yours?" Aomine-kun grinned as he introduce himself,

.......... 'Sh*t.' for the first time, Kuroko cursed.

"Hello? You there?" Aomine-kun wave his hands infront of my eyes,

"Eh .. I'm.. uh..." I look around trying to find Momoi or Kagami.

"Dai-chan?" A familiar pink-haired run towards us.

'SAVE.' I sigh in relief.

"Ah, Satsuki? Stop calling me Dai-chan!"

"Tetsu-chan?" I FROZE.


"Ahahaha, funny story. Kuroko ate Momoi's cooking and.. yeah.." Kagami, out of nowhere popped up.

'I... I TRUSTED YOU BOTH.. WHY--!' Emo corner.

"TETSU? WHA-- HO--- .... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA" I officially want to punch someone so badly.

"What happened .. Hahaha.. to you-haha!!!"

"My pride.. my manly pride.." I began to draw circle on the ground with a stick, depressed.

"Did .. we do something wrong?" Momoi-san tilt her head to the side, confuse.

"AH! Gomen, Kuroko! It slipped!" Kagami began to apologise.

Aomine-kun is still laughing.

"Since Dai-chan knows, shouldn't we tell the other-"







Someone's phone ring.

"Ah, Akashi-kun?" My phone.

"So it seems. I'm going there. Expect me to be there. and tell Satsuki to call the others to."

Call ended.

'HOW...?' the only question filled their minds,

"Akashi-kun's being Akashi-kun,," Momoi said,

"That stalker bastar-" Just before Aomine-kun finished his sentence, Aomine-kun's phone rang.

A massage pops out,

From: Red-Haired-Bastard.

Sub: Punishment.

: A hellish-training program will bestow upon you the next time we meet. You may enjoy the very last of your life. I'm almost there, 10 seconds.

Ps: Red-haired-bastards? Really? Isn't that supposed to be Taiga?

"Guys.. I'm dea-"

"Taiga, Satsuki, Tetsuya and.."

Aomine's POV


'Why is my part his voice change to menacing?' I gulp.

Female Kuroko Tetsuya (Kuroko no Basuke)Where stories live. Discover now